Travel subsidy

In principle, this only applies to WUPs. University teachers (civil servants and those employed university teachers who are in an employment relationship with the University of Vienna according to the collective agreement) may, according to § 48b RGV, be granted a travel allowance in connection with a leave of absence according to § 160 BDG 1979 (§§ 53 or 49d VBG 1948) at most up to the extent of the claims for travel allowance according to the travel allowance regulation.

Special feature - lecturers/tutors/study assistants: In the case of these employment relationships, the application for leave of absence is excluded and, as a result, the settlement of travel allowances is not possible.

During the trip, there must be a legitimate employment relationship with the University of Vienna and there must be no reason for absence during the period of travel (e.g. "maternity leave"). In this context the employee must have submitted and received approval for a leave of absences application before travelling.

Click on the button below to go to the "Travel allowance" application form.


Pursuant to § 26 EStG 1988, those travel allowances which only include travel and accommodation costs but no daily allo-wance are tax-exempt as non-flat-rate reimbursement of expenses. When assessing the amount of the travel allowance, the reason for the leave as well as the income and expenses associated with the reason for and the time of the leave shall be taken into account.


If the travel expenses are claimed as income-related expenses at the tax office, the approved travel allowance must be deducted. If, in addition to the travel allowances granted, allowances have also been received from third parties, these may also be deducted when claiming income-related expenses. If the sum of the allowances received from the instructing person and the allowances received from a third party exceeds the expenses for the specific occasion, the part of the allowance received from a third party that exceeds the expenses must be included as income in the income tax return/employee assessment.

There is not applicable to submit original receipts to the HR Department. However, there is an obligation to submit receipts to the authorised officer and the tax authorities (7 years). The obligation to archive receipts (7 years) is the responsibility of the employees.



The following policy (RL) regulates internal travel processes, in particular travel leave of absence at the Faculty of Mathema-tics. The aim of the policy is to create a framework for the optimal use of university funds, to define a clear and effective divi-sion of responsibilities and to ensure an economic and legally compliant procedure throughout the entire travel process so that employees can correctly handle travel leave of absence in the interests of their work.

Click on the button below to access the Faculty's general guidelines on applying for a travel subsidy.


  1. Application for travel allowance incl. application for Leave of absence allowance are to be sent as PDFs to Mrs. Weisgram via email to the service email address:
  2. The documents will be checked for correctness and first submitted to the travel expenses committee for further processing.
  3. The processed applications will then be submitted to the Dean for counter-approval or counter-rejection.
  4. The signed applications are sent to the applicants by email.
  5. Due to the fact that these travel allowances are not lump-sum reimbursements of expenses, which by their nature can only be paid out after the trip has taken place, it is not possible to receive travel allowances in advance. In case of approval, the applicants enter the settlement via the HRFI system after the return of the trip.
  6. Follow the checklist!
  7. The official travel expense claims are paid weekly on Mondays.
Click on the buttons below to go to the "Travel allowance" application form and the "Checklist":