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The traditional Faculty of Mathematics is a European center for research and teaching. It is characterized by the breadth of the subjects represented and the opportunities that this offers. The successful activities of the members in research extend to large parts of pure and applied mathematics. Kurt Gödel Research Center, one of the leading European centers for mathematical logic, is also part of the faculty today.

The quality of research at the Faculty of Mathematics is reflected in very good placements in international university rankings; In the last few years we have consistently achieved a place in the top 40 of the Global Ranking on Academic Subjects. The outstanding scientific achievements of individual members of the faculty can also be found under awards and prizes.

Our teaching activities include bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in mathematics. We also participate in interdisciplinary teaching as part of the master's programs in Computational Science and Data Science. The structured doctoral program in Mathematics is the foundation of the Vienna School of Mathematics doctoral school, which is carried out in cooperation with the Vienna University of Technology. In addition, within the framework of Verbund Nord-Ost, we are the driving force behind teacher training at secondary level in the field of mathematics. With the project  Mathematik macht Freude, we are making a major contribution to promoting mathematics in Austrian schools.

The Faculty of Mathematics is one of the most successful academic institutions in Austria in acquiring third-party funding; the faculty members are involved in an above-average number of FWF special research areas and doctoral colleges. Information about the third-party funded research projects carried out at the faculty can be found on our Research Projects and Scholarships page. More and more faculty members are also involved in Third-Mission-Collaborations with Austrian companies.

The research work at the faculty is characterized by many international collaborations with the most important mathematical research centers in the world. The Erwin-Schrödinger-Institut and the Wolfgang-Pauli-Institut, in which the faculty members play an important role, promote this international cooperation through a wide range of activities.

Detailed information on the diverse mathematical research at our faculty can be found on the pages of the individual research groups.





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