Head of Faculty

f.l.t.r.: Radu Ioan Boţ, Roland Donninger, Ilse Fischer, Günther Hörmann


Director of Studies SPL 25

(MSc Mathematics)
Roland Donninger

Vice Director of Studies SPL 25

Teacher Education
(Bachelor und Master)
Assoz. Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Christoph Ableitinger

Vice Director of Studies SPL 25

(BSc Mathematik)
Assoz.Prof.Dr. Martin Ehler, Privatdoz.

f.l.t.r.: Christoph Ableitinger, Martin Ehler, Roland Donninger, Andreas Cap, Ulisse Stefanelli

Director of Studies SPL 51

Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences (Mathematics)
Univ.-Prof.Mag.Dr. Andreas Cap

Vice Director of Studies SPL 51

Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences (Mathematics)
Univ.-Prof. Ulisse Stefanelli , PhD

Administration and Service

 Dean's Office
 Institute of Mathematics
 IT Services