Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
Our Mission
The Faculty of Mathematics strives to be a place of diversity and equal opportunities, free of discrimination and prejudice of any kind. In its diversity it sees the challenge as well as the opportunity to recognize and promote the potential of each person and thus to increase the quality of research and teaching.
- from our Code of Conduct
Our values
In its mission statement, the University of Vienna commits to conducting research that respects the dignity and integrity of humans, animals and the environment. The Code of Conduct of the Faculty of Mathematics (CoC) is a guideline based on ethical and legal considerations providing a framework for personal encounters at the Faculty. All members of the Faculty are obliged to adhere to its rules.
Point of contacts
Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: ➥ Sara Merino-Aceituno
If you wish to report an issue, please contact the Vice-Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion directly. However, if you do not feel comfortable speaking directly to the Vice-Dean, please ask one of following points of contact to raise your concerns with the Vice-Dean on your behalf.
Non-academic staff
Academic staff (permanent)
Academic staff (non-permanent)
- Looking for volunteers!
PhD students- Contact members the ➥Student Board of the Vienna School of Mathematics.
Bachelor and Master Students
- Contact ➥Der Rote Vektor (student council) and also ➥Katharina Weinzinger (student of the teachers program).
Action and taking action
Initiatives at the Faculty:
- Newsletter.
➥Bettina Hiebl and ➥Michael Dorninger (German translators).
➥Rossen Alexandrov Nenov (Designer).
➥Sara Merino-Aceituno (author). - Stammtisch (organised periodically around specific topics).
- Course for first-semester students on how to learn mathematics
➥Mastering Math & Mind: Strategies for Learning and Staying on Track - Webpage DEI
➥Harald Schwab and ➥Irene Berglund - DEI calendar
- Our ➥code of conduct
- ➥Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics: members of our faculty contributing to the association:
- ➥Cooperation with African mathematicians
- led by ➥Balász Szendröi,
- supported by ➥Ulisse Stefanelli.
- Promotion of Talent and preparation for the Math Olympiad - led by ➥Theresia Eisenkölbl
- ➥Mathematik macht Freude - led by ➥Michael Eichmair
- Coming soon...
- Library section on Wellbeing and self-management.
- International Day of Mathematics (14th of March 2025, Faculty of Mathematics, UniWien).
- Event for the Alumni of our Faculty (led by Angelika Manhart and Roland Zweimüller).
- Using AI to be more inclusive.
- The AI Forum.
- Current events:
- ➥Embracing Diversity in STEM (18th of February, Main Ceremonial Hall, UniWien).
Initiatives at the University and how to take action:
- Conflicts, discrimination and sexual harassment - ➥a guide on how to act
- u:respect (Campaign to prevent gender-based violence and sexual harassment)
- ➥Points of call at the University level
- Lived Gender Identity - Change of First Name: Employees, whose official first name differs from their gender identity, can request to have a desired first name entered via the Human Resources and Gender Equality Servicedesk.
- ➥Working together safely
- ➥Diversity at the University of Vienna
Beyond the university, in the event of a crisis:
- ➥Webpage listing various hotlines and counselling services (on mental health, violence, sexual violence, racism,...).
An archive of gratitude: (some) previous contributions to our community
- Special thanks to ➥Anna Breger and ➥Alexandra Edletzberger for having organised various events on Women in Mathematics at our Faculty.
- Special thanks to ➥Diana Stoeva for being a driving force behind the organization of various editions of the International Day of Mathematics
- Newsletter.
Training and information on Diversity
For our teachers
- For Staff at the University of Vienna (they are offered periodically):
- ➥Unconscious bias
- ➥Diversity Competence – On strengthening occupational and social skills (there is 4 days training for administrative staff) with Maria Dabringer
- ➥Vom Umgang mit unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten
- ➥Kulturelle Diversität als Mehrwert für unsere Gesellschaft
- ➥Diversity Competence for Non-Academic Staff - Workshop Series (4 days)
- ➥Online training on Cognitive Bias (from the University of Konstanz) - in English and German
Information (miscellaneous)- ➥Geschlechtervielfalt (in German)
- ➥Statement of FWF on equal opportunities and diversity
- ➥Research on the unequal impact of the STEOP phase on women and men: Mayerhofer, Martin, Marko Lüftenegger, and Michael Eichmair. "Impact of a Mathematics Bridging Course on the Motivation and Learning Skills of University Students." International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (2023) 1-36.
- For Staff at the University of Vienna (they are offered periodically):
Support for specific groups
➥Projects, initiatives and services provided by the University of Vienna regarding:
- Mature students
- Parents
- Mental and physical disabilities
- Gender
- Origin/Ethnicity
- Sexual orientation
- Social origin
- First generation students
- Students struggling with German.
- Anti-racism.
- ➥Lived Gender Identity - Change of First Name: Employees, whose official first name differs from their gender identity, can request to have a desired first name entered via the Human Resources and Gender Equality Servicedesk.
- For men
- ➥Counselling office for men (in German).
- For women (and sometimes also binary people)
- ➥Mentoring programs by UniWien for female PhD students and postdocs
- ➥Mobility & Care Fund (by Uniwien, for post-docs and pre-docs) - to cover additional childcare costs incurred as a result of a mobility stay.
- ➥European Women in Mathematics
- ➥Austrian Association of Women in Mathematics
Blindness and maths:
- ➥List of resources and experiences (by Shantanu Dave, a member of our faculty)
Accessibility in learning and teaching (services from UniWien):
Mental health:
- ➥Psychological Counselling for students:
- In Vienna: 01/402 30 91 or 0664/88 34 21 64 Mailto:psychologische.studentenberatung@univie.ac.at
➥Counselling for Ukrainian students at the University of Vienna
Wellbeing and self-management
Wellbeing and self-management library section
- To come.
Mindfulness and meditation