Mathematisches Kolloquium
19.03.2025 16:45
A Hereditary Hsu-Robbins-Erdös Law of Large Numbers
Weitere Events
17.03.2025 09:00
Structures in Banach Spaces
18.03.2025 11:30
Ingham's theorem for nonharmonic Fourier series - part 1
18.03.2025 13:15
BZSV duality and relative trace formula
18.03.2025 14:00
The Fuzzy Onion
18.03.2025 15:00
RAAGedy right-angled Coxeter groups
18.03.2025 15:15
Combinatorial problems arising from representation theory of $GL_n$ over a $p$-adic field
19.03.2025 14:00
Lifting functionals defined on maps to measure-valued maps
19.03.2025 15:00
Effective theories for incompressible magnetoelastic shallow shells
19.03.2025 15:30
Helmholtz decompositions in broken Sobolev spaces
19.03.2025 16:45
Total Variation Denoising with Rectilinear Anisotropy: Approximation, Convergence Rates, and a Universal Minimality Property
20.03.2025 11:30
The theory of symmetric systems and extensions III
20.03.2025 15:00
Meagre and Null Ideals for Uncountable Cardinals
21.03.2025 09:45
Taming geometric inequalities using partial differential equations
24.03.2025 11:45
An Oka-Weil Theorem for subrings of polynomials
24.03.2025 15:45
Gaussian fluctuations for the open one-dimensional KPZ equation
24.03.2025 17:00
25.03.2025 11:30
Ingham's theorem for nonharmonic Fourier series - part 2
25.03.2025 13:15