
 Mathematisches Kolloquium

19.03.2025 15:15

On the Number of Rational Points on an Algebraic Curve of Higher Genus

Philipp Habegger (University of Basel)

19.03.2025 16:45

A Hereditary Hsu-Robbins-Erdös Law of Large Numbers

Ioannis Karatzas (Columbia University)

 Weitere Events

18.03.2025 15:00

RAAGedy right-angled Coxeter groups

Christopher Cashen (Wien)

20.03.2025 11:30

The theory of symmetric systems and extensions III

J. Schilhan (U Wien)

20.03.2025 15:00

Meagre and Null Ideals for Uncountable Cardinals

T. van der Vlugt (TU Wien)

24.03.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Álfheiður Edda Sigurđardóttir (University of Ljubljana)

24.03.2025 15:45

Gaussian fluctuations for the open one-dimensional KPZ equation

Andres Alberto Contreras Hip (University of Chicago)

24.03.2025 17:00


Martin Huesmann (Uni Münster)

25.03.2025 13:15


Christian Liedke (TU Munich)

25.03.2025 15:00

Property (T) and actions on the real line

Ignacio Vergara (University of Santiago de Chile)

26.03.2025 11:30


P. Eleftheriou (U Leeds, UK)

27.03.2025 11:30


A. Lihuen Fatalini (U Münster, DE)

27.03.2025 15:00


P. Eleftheriou (U Leeds, UK)

28.03.2025 12:00

Budapest - Vienna Probability Seminar

Talks by Balint Virag (University of Toronto), Christophe Sabot (Université Lyon 1) and Gady Kozma (Weizmann Institute of Science )

31.03.2025 11:30

Complex Analysis Seminar - Title TBD

Nai-Yu Hu (University of Vienna)

31.03.2025 15:00

Pipe dreams

Markus Reibnegger (Uni Wien)

31.03.2025 15:30

Geometry of the Standard Model

Marko Sobak

01.04.2025 13:00

What is really tested in gravitationally mediated entanglement experiments?

Helmut Rumpf (University of Vienna)

01.04.2025 13:15

Subspace profiles, \(q\)-Whittaker functions and Krylov subspace methods

Samrith Ram (IIIT Delhi)

01.04.2025 15:00

Subgroups of Bestvina-Brady groups

Simone Blumer (Wien)

03.04.2025 11:30


A Lihuen Fatalini (U Münster, DE)

04.04.2025 11:30


J. Kirby (U of East Anglia, Norwich, UK)


Der 5. Österreichische Tag der Mathematiker*innen findet in Wien am 28.02.2025 statt.

Mit großer Unterstützung der Fakultät für Mathematik hat das österreichische IMO-Team mit 5 Silbermedaillen relativ zur Anzahl der teilnehmenden...

Die Ehrung herausragender Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschafter ist der Universität Wien ein wichtiges Anliegen.

Doctoral Program

Congratulations to Janka Oona Möller!

She successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Signature methods and polynomial McKean-Vlasov...

Congratulations to Beryl Ramadhian Aribowo!

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.

Thesis: "Machine learning for chemical data"

Advisors: Arnold...

Congratulations to Argam Ohanyan!

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Singularities and Rigidity in Smooth and Non-Smooth...

Congratulations to Benedict Bauer

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Aspects of volatility modeling: from Gaussian...