
 Mathematisches Kolloquium

08.01.2025 15:15

Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model

Hugo Duminil-Copin (University of Geneva)

22.01.2025 15:15


Shahar Mendelson (Australian National University)

 Weitere Events

09.12.2024 09:00

Lensing and Wave Optics in Strong Gravity

13.12.2024 09:45

A topological rigidity result for Penrose's singularity theorem

Carl Rossdeutscher (Universität Wien)

16.12.2024 11:30

Quantum Information Perspective on the Ground State Problem: What is Electron Correlation?

Christian Schilling (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

16.12.2024 12:00

Real holomorphic vector fields and singular Kähler-Einstein metrics

Friedrich Haslinger (University of Vienna)

16.12.2024 15:45

Operator Norm Bounds on the Correlation Matrix of the SK Model

Christian Brennecke (University of Bonn)

16.12.2024 17:00

Hyperbolic branching Brownian motion

Wolfgang Woess (TU Graz)

17.12.2024 11:30

Landau's necessary density theorems for Paley-Wiener spaces

Andreas Klotz (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

17.12.2024 13:15

Fourier interpolation with zeroes of zeta

Andriy Bondarenko (NTNU Trondheim)

17.12.2024 14:00

The topology of deformation quantization

Ödül Tetik (University of Vienna)

17.12.2024 15:00

Murnaghan–Nakayama rules for symplectic, orthogonal and orthosymplectic Schur functions

Nishu Kumari (Universität Wien)

17.12.2024 16:15

Gauge Theory Bootstrap: Pion amplitudes and low energy parameters

Yifei He (ENS Paris)

19.12.2024 09:30

On local and global aspects of the Langlands program

Johannes Droschl (Universität Wien)

19.12.2024 13:00

Towards random noncommutative geometry

Carlos Perez-Sanchez

19.12.2024 18:00

Fotos & Mathematik: Vergangenheit und Zukunft unserer Umwelt

Norbert Pfeifer (TU Wien)

08.01.2025 11:30


Franz Schuster (TU Wien)

08.01.2025 15:15

Mathematisches Kolloquium: Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model

Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES)

08.01.2025 16:45

A new way of looking at high-dimensional lattice models

Hugo Duminil-Copin (IHES)

09.01.2025 11:30


N. Dobrinen (U of Notre Dame du Lac, US)

09.01.2025 13:15

An introduction to the Lean proof assistant for mathematicians

Riccardo Brasca (IMJ-PRG)

09.01.2025 15:00


N. Dobrinen (U of Notre Dame du Lac, US)


FWF-Wittgenstein-Preisträger*innen erzählen von der Faszination Grundlagenforschung

Mit großer Unterstützung der Fakultät für Mathematik hat das österreichische IMO-Team mit 5 Silbermedaillen relativ zur Anzahl der teilnehmenden...

Die Ehrung herausragender Wissenschafterinnen und Wissenschafter ist der Universität Wien ein wichtiges Anliegen.

Doctoral Program

Congratulations to Janka Oona Möller!

She successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Signature methods and polynomial McKean-Vlasov...

Congratulations to Argam Ohanyan!

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Singularities and Rigidity in Smooth and Non-Smooth...

Congratulations to Benedict Bauer

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Aspects of volatility modeling: from Gaussian...

Congratulations to Beatrice Andreolli

She successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Sampling in Spaces of Variable Bandwidth"

Advisor: ...