
Ausschnitt des großen Festaales der Universität Wien - Darstellung der Mathematik

sorted by year
sorted by funding sources




L’ORÉAL Österreich Stipendium

Jeffrey Bergfalk

2021 Mary Ellen Rudin Award

FWF Start Prize


Promotion Award of the City of Vienna

ERC Consolidator Grant

L'ORÉAL Österreich Stipendien




Erwin Schrödinger Prize

David P. Robbins Prize


Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Spring 2018 Ritt Lectures at the Columbia University



Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society


Ars Docendi state award for excellence in teaching 2016

Ars Docendi state award for excellence in teaching 2016

Franz Embacher

Ars Docendi state award for excellence in teaching 2016

Markus Steenbock

Doc Award



WWTF Call "Mathematics and ..."

WWTF Call "Mathematics and ..."

Aleksey Kostenko

Förderpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Norbert Mauser

WWTF Call "Mathematics and ...

WWTF Call "Mathematics and ..."


No news available.



Sofja Kovaleskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Alexandre Martin

PhD thesis award der Academy of Strasbourg


UNIVIE Teaching Award 2013 (innovative teaching concepts).

UNIVIE Teaching Award 2013 (innovative teaching concepts).


WWTF Call "Mathematics and ..."

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Rufus Isaacs' Award of the International Society on Dynamic Games

Andreas Ulovec

Lifelong Learning Award


ERC Starting Grant

Katrin Grunert

Laudimaxima Prize of the University of Vienna

Blaise Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Sciences

Christof Sparber

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society


ERC Advanced Grant

Prize of the city of Vienna for natural sciences

ERC Advanced Grant


Fluid Dynamics Research Prize of the Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics

Martin Fuchs

Silver IJAR Young Researcher Award des International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

Peter Markowich

Humboldt Research Award

Ilse Fischer



Christian Krattenthaler

FWF Wittgenstein Prize

ERC Starting Grant

Joachim Hermisson


Peter Markowich



Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Hannelore De Silva née Brandt

Laudimaxima Prize of the University of Vienna

Peter Markowich

Wolfson Merit Award der Royal Society

Bernhard Lamel

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Bernhard Lamel



Gerald Teschl


Alexander Komech

Humboldt Research Award

Bernhard Krön

Christian Doppler Prize

Karl Sigmund

Austrian of the year in the field of research


Adrian Constantin

Göran Gustafsson Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Karlheinz Gröchenig

Marie Curie Excellence Grant

Christoph Baxa

Edmund and Rosa Hlawka Prize of the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Manfred Einsiedler

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Michael Kunzinger



Michael Kunzinger

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society


No news available.


Peter Markowich

FWF Wittgenstein Prize

Andreas Cap

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society


Norbert Mauser


Norbert Mauser

Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society

Otmar Scherzer


 Awards of Former Faculty Members
  • Peter Balazs (Acoustics Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences). START Prize 2011, Ph.D. advisor Hans-Georg Feichtinger, habilitation at the University of Vienna 2011 (NUHAG).
  • Manfred Einsiedler (ETH Zürich).  Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2004, Ph.D. advisor Klaus Schmidt, habilitation at the University of Vienna.
  • Massimo Fornasier (TU Munich). START Prize 2008 (at RICAM), ERC Starting Grant 2012, Binnial SIMAI Prize 2012, Ph.D. Advisor Hans-Georg Feichtinger (NUHAG), habilitation at the University of Vienna.
  • Dominik Gruber (ETH-Zürich). ÖMG-Studienpreis 2016.
  • Clemens Heitzinger. (TU-Wien). START-Prize 2013 - 2018 (1,2 Mio. Euro), von der TU-Wien im Anschluss abgeworben.
  • Ludmil Katzarkov. ERC Advanced Grant 2009 - 2013 (1,06 Mio. Euro).
  • Sandra Müller (TU Wien).  START Prize 2022 (1,2 Mio. Euro).
  • Roland Quirchmayr (KTH Stockholm). Awards of Exellence.
  • Holger Rauhut (RWTH Aachen). ERC Starting Grant 2010, habilitation at the University of Vienna (NUHAG).
  • Christof Sparber Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2011.
  • Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich). START Prize 2006 (then Vienna University of Technology), Ph.D. advisor Peter Michor, habilitation at the Vienna University of Technology (Walter Schachermayer).
  • Josef Teichmann (ETH Zürich).  Förderungspreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2005.
 Teaching Awards of the Faculty
  • Christian Dorner. Teaching Award of the Faculty 2018.
  • Peter Elbau. Teaching Award of the Faculty 2016.
  • Leonhard Summerer. Teaching Award of the Faculty 2016.
 Awards for Staff Members
  • Julia Cheng. Annual award for employees 2011.
  • Alan Hazivar. Annual award for employees 2011.
  • Astrid Römer. Annual award for employees 2011.
  • Gudrun Kretzschmar. Annual award for employees 2015.
 Awards for Students
  • Carolin Antos-Kuby (KGRC). DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2012.
  • Christoph Baxa. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 1994. Jubiläums-Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1996.
  • Alexander Bihlo. DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009 - 2010.
  • Rainer Brunnhuber. Hauptpreis der ÖMG-DMV Studienkonferenz 2013 (für seine Diplomarbeit).
  • Clemens Bruschek. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2010.
  • Annegret Burtscher. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2012.
  • Dina Dostal. Wissenschaftspreis für kindgemäße Pädagogik of the Köck Private Foundation 2008.
  • Jonathan Eckhardt. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2012.
  • Manfred Einsiedler. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 1996.
  • Theresia Eisenkölbl. Gold medal at the International Mathematics Olympiad 1994. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 1998. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1999. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2002.
  • Eleonore Faber. DOC-fFORTE Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2009. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2011.
  • Angelika Geroldinger. DOC-fFORTE Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2011.
  • Anna Geyer. Award of Excellence of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research 2013. Doc.Award of the City of Vienna 2013.
  • Josef Greilhuber. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2021.
  • Harald Grobner. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2008.
  • Katrin Grunert. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2009 und 2011. Award of Excellence of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research 2010.
  • Philipp Harms. Award of Excellence of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research 2011.
  • Christoph Harrach. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2011.
  • Arthur Hoffmann-Ostenhof. Award of Excellence of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research 2012.
  • Michael Hofbauer-Tsiflakos. uni:docs Ph.D. position of the University of Vienna, 2013.
  • Christian Hilbe. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2009.
  • Iryna Karpenko. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2024.
  • Jakob Kellner. DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2001 - 2002.
  • Marlene Koelbing. DOC Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2017 - 2020.
  • Helge Krüger. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2008.
  • Friedrich Kupka. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 1998.
  • Alexander Lecke. uni:docs Ph.D. position of the University of Vienna, 2013.
  • Roland Leitner. Jubiläums-Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1996.
  • Luef Franz. DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2003 - 2004.
  • Hana Melanova. Würdigungspreis des Bundesministeriums für Wissenschaft und Forschung 2017 und DOC Stipendium der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2018.
  • Johanna Michor. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2003. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2006
  • .Johannes Muhle-Karbe. Förderpreis of the Probability & Statistics Group of the DMV 2010.
  • Katharina Neusser. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2007 and 2010.
  • Noema Nicolussi. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2021.
  • Armin Rainer. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2004.
  • Katja Sagerschnig. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2009.
  • Hermann Schichl. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 1998.
  • Michael Schlosser. Jubiläums-Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1996.
  • Georg Schneider. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2002, 2003, 2006.
  • Kristan Schneider. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2003.
  • Roland Steinbauer. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research 2000.
  • Leonhard Summerer. Jubiläums-Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1996.
  • Nathalie Tassotti. DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2013 - 2014.
  • Josef Teichmann. Studienpreis der of the Austrian Mathematical Society 2000. While working at the Vienna University of Technology, Teichmann was awarded the Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society (2005) and the START Prize (2006).
  • Hildegard Uecker. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2013.
  • Franz Vrabec. Studienpreis of the Austrian Mathematical Society 1997.
  • Dominique Wagner. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2008.
  • Christoph Waldner. DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 2007 - 2008.
  • Rada-Maria Weishäupl. L'ORÉAL Austria Fellowship "For Women in Science" 2007.
  • Marcus Wunsch. Award of Excellence of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research 2009.
  • Rudolf Zeidler. Würdigungspreis of the Federal Ministry for Science and Research, 2013.