
 Mathematical Colloquium

22.01.2025 14:45

Structure recovery from a geometric and probabilistic perspective

Shahar Mendelson (Australian National University)

29.01.2025 15:15

Fourier uniqueness pairs, interpolation, and extremal problems

Danylo Radchenko (University of Lille)

 Other Events


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Doctoral Program

Congratulations to Annemarie Grass

She successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Modelling under uncertainty"



Congratulations to Iryna Karpenko

She successfully defended her doctoral thesis at the ILTP in Kharkiv, thereby (via a cotutelle) also completing the doctoral study at our University. ...

Congratulations to Leopold Veselka

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Reconstruction of optical parameters in quantitative...

Congratulations to Jakob Reiffenstein

He successfully defended the doctoral thesis and thus completed the doctoral program.


"Eigenvalue Density of Canonical Systems"

Advisor: ...