Quasinormal Modes of Black Holes in Classical and Alternative Theories of Gravity

05.03.2024 14:00 - 15:30

Angel Rincón (University of Alicante)

In this talk, we study neutral massless/massive scalar field perturbations around different black hole backgrounds in several dimensions. We reduce the problem to its Schroedinger-like form, obtain the effective potential, and then calculate the corresponding quasinormal modes. For well-behaved black holes, we take
advantage of the WKB method to obtain the spectrum. As usual, the quasinormal modes depend on the parameters of the black hole, so by varying them we can see how their variations affect the Quasi Normal frequencies.

S. Fredenhagen, D. Grumiller, T. Tran, A. Fiorucci

Fakultät für Physik, Erwin Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanng. 5, 5. St., 1090 Wien