Delocalisation of random Lipschitz functions

01.12.2022 14:00 - 16:00

Alexander Glazman (Universität Innsbruck)

Abstract: I will speak about my ongoing work with Piet Lammers, where we develop a soft argument that shows delocalisation of Lipschitz functions in the entire supercritical regime (new) - and also applies to the six-vertex model when 1 \leq c \leq 2 (solved recently via Bethe Ansatz). Soft means that we rely only on FKG, planar duality and ergodicity and do not use integrability methods. Localisation for Lipschitz functions remains open - ideas are welcome!

M. Lis (TU Wien)
TU Wien, Seminarraum 389, EG, Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien