Institute of Mathematics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Radu Ioan BoţHead of Institute Room: OMP1 07.135 |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ilse Fischer Deputy Head of Institute Room: OMP1 11.145 |
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Ehler, Privatdoz.Deputy Head of Institute Room: OMP1 10.128 |
Assoz. Prof. Sara Merino Aceituno PhDDeputy Head of Institute Room: OMP1 09.141 |
Members of Administration
Gudrun Kretzschmar
Head Room: OMP1 11.127 |
Sophia Abplanalp, BA MLitt.Institute and Forschungsplattform "Data Science at Uni Vienna" Koling. 14-16, 1090 Wien, Room 7.48 |
Jaqueline Baburek, BA, MA Institute and Stochastics and Financial Mathematics Room: OMP1 6.134 |
Waltraud Ben Salem
Room: OMP1 10.120 |
Mag. Irene Berglund
Room: OMP1 10.141 |
Mag. Petra CzarneckiInstitute of Mathematics (KGRC: Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic at the University of Vienna) 1090 Wien, Kolingasse 14-16, Room: 7.48 |
Michael Dorninger, MAInstitute and Biomathematics and Dynamical Systems Room: OMP1 10.140 |
Mag. Min HadlerDean's office (on leave) and Applied Mathematics Room: OMP1 7.121 |
Alexandra Kilian
Room: OMP1 10.140 |
Astrid Kollros-SpinkaInstitute and Stochastics and Financial Mathematics Room: OMP1 6.134 |
JD Kosche
Room: OMP1 10.140 |
Helma Moritz
Room: OMP1 10.140 |
Martina Weisgram
Room: OMP1 EG.308 |
Mag. Dr. Kerstin Ammann-SilvaggioHead Room: OMP1 05.122 |
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Leitner, BScHead Room: OMP1 05.122 |
Ing. Dr. Michael Alexander
Raum: OMP1 05.134 |
Walter Hiertz
Room: OMP1 05.119 |
Ing. Stephan Hödl-Araujo
Room: OMP1 05.119 |
AR Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Martin Piskernig, Bakk.
Room: OMP1 05.121 |
Richard Springer
Room: Kolingasse 14-16 07.55 |
Mag. Dr. Andreas Ulovec
Room: OMP1 05.121 |
Mag. Axel KittenbergerCSC research group Room: OMP1 07.130 |