Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Radu Ioan BoţDean Room: OMP1 07.135 |
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ilse Fischer Vice Dean (Research) Room: OMP1 11.145 |
Assoz. Prof. Dr. Martin Ehler, Privatdoz.Vice Dean (Teaching) Room: OMP1 10.128 |
Assoz. Prof. Sara Merino Aceituno, PhDVice Dean (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) Room: OMP1 09.141 |
Gudrun Kretzschmar
Head of Dean's Office Room: OMP1 11.127 T: +43 1 4277 56001 M: +43 664 8175687 |
Elisabeth Griesmayr, B.A., MSc
Deputy Head of Dean's Office On leave Room: OMP1 11.126 Monday,Wednesday, Friday T: +43 1 4277 56002 |
Nadine RieglerDeputy Head of Dean's Office Room: OMP1 11.135 T: +43 1 4277 56005 |
Karin Steinbrecher Deputy Head of Dean's Office Room: OMP1 11.135 Tuesday - Friday T: +43 1 4277 56004 |
Danijela RadosavljevicRoom: OMP1 11.126 Monday - Thursday T: +43 1 4277 56003 |
Mag. Min HadlerOn leave Room: OMP1 7.121 T: +43 1 4277 55771 |