Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Dave, Shantanu. / An equivariant noncommutative residue. in: Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. 2013 ; Band 7 , Nr. 3. S. 709–735.

Kossovskiy, Ilya ; Shafikov, Rasul. / Analytic continuation of Holomorphic Mappings from Nonminimal Hypersurfaces. in: Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 2013 ; Band 62, Nr. 6. S. 1891-1916.

Aeschbacher, Simon ; Futschik, Andreas ; Beaumont, Mark A. / Approximate Bayesian computation for modular inference problems with many parameters: the example of migration rates. in: Molecular Ecology. 2013 ; Band 22, Nr. 4. S. 987-1002.

Evangelista, Gianpaolo ; Dörfler, Monika ; Matusiak, Ewa. / Arbitrary Phase Vocoders by means of Warping. in: Musica/Tecnologia. 2013 ; Band 7. S. 91-118.

Acciaio, Beatrice ; Svindland, Greogor. / Are law-invariant risk functions concave on distributions?. in: Dependence Modeling. 2013 ; Band 1/3. S. 54-64.

Semukhin, Pavel ; Stephan, Frank. / Automatic models of first order theories. in: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2013 ; Band 164, Nr. 9. S. 837-854.

Della Sala, Giuseppe ; Perez, Joe. / Bergman spaces of natural G-manifolds. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2013 ; Band 247. S. 103-122.

de Gosson, Maurice ; Binz, Ernst ; Hiley, Basil J. / Clifford Algebras in Symplectic Geometry and Quantum Mechanics. in: Foundations of Physics. 2013 ; Band 43, Nr. 4. S. 424-439.

Diemer, Colin ; Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Kerr, Gabriel. / Compactifications of spaces of Landau-Ginzburg models. in: IZVESTIYA MATHEMATICS. 2013 ; Band 77, Nr. 3. S. 487.

Czichowsky, Christoph ; Schweizer, Martin. / Cone-Constrained Continuous-Time Markowitz Problems. in: Annals of Applied Probability. 2013 ; Band 23, Nr. 2. S. 764-810.

Neumann, Christoph. / Constructing highly arc transitive digraphs using a direct fibre product. in: Discrete Mathematics. 2013 ; Band 313, Nr. 23. S. 2816-2829.

Feichtinger, Hans Georg ; Onchis-Moaca, Darian ; Wiesmeyr, Christoph. / Construction of approximate dual wavelet frames. in: Advances in Computational Mathematics. 2013 ; Band 40, Nr. 1. S. 273-282.

Dumbaugh, Della ; Schwermer, Joachim. / Creating a life: Emil Artin in America. in: Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series. 2013 ; Band 50, Nr. 2. S. 321-330.

Cerny, Jiri ; Teixeira, Augusto. / Critical window for the vacant set left by random walk on random regular graphs. in: Random Structures & Algorithms. 2013 ; Band 43, Nr. 3. S. 313-337.

Cerny, Jiri ; Birkner, Matthias ; Depperschmidt, Andrej et al. / Directed random walk on the backbone of an oriented percolation cluster. in: Electronic Journal of Probability. 2013 ; Band 18, Nr. 80. S. 1-35.

Martin, Calin Iulian ; Matioc, Bogdan-Vasile. / Existence of Wilton ripples for water waves with constant vorticity and capillary effects. in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2013 ; Band 73, Nr. 4. S. 1582-1595.

Dolbeault, Jean ; Klar, Axel ; Mouhot, Clément et al. / Exponential rate of convergence to equilibrium for a model describing fiber lay-down processes. in: Applied Mathematics Research Express. 2013 ; Band 2013, Nr. 2. S. 165-175.

Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Stöckler, Joachim. / Gabor frames and totally positive functions. in: Duke Mathematical Journal. 2013 ; Band 162, Nr. 6. S. 1003-1031.

Bauer, Martin ; Bruveris, Martins ; Harms, Philipp et al. / Geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group. in: Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 2013 ; Band 44, Nr. 1. S. 5-21.

Bauer, Martin ; Bruveris, Martins ; W. Michor, Peter. / Geodesic distance for right invariant Sobolev metrics of fractional order on the diffeomorphism group. II. in: Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry. 2013 ; Band 44, Nr. 4. S. 361-368.

de Gosson, Maurice ; Hiley, Basil J. / Hamiltonian Flows and the Holomovement. in: Mind and Matter. 2013 ; Band 11, Nr. 2. S. 205-221.