Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Krattenthaler, Christian ; Yaqubi, Daniel. / Some determinants of path generating functions II. in: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 2018 ; Band 101. S. 232 - 265.

Jones, Adam G. ; Bürger, Reinhard ; Arnold, Stevan J. / The G-matrix simulator family: software for research and teaching. in: Journal of Heredity. 2018 ; Band 109, Nr. 7. S. 825 - 829.

Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Soriani, Leonardo. / Homological Mirror Symmetry, coisotropic branes and P = W. in: European Journal of Mathematics. 2018 ; Band 4, Nr. 3. S. 1141-1160.

Hofbauer, Josef. / Minmax via Replicator Dynamics. in: Dynamic Games and Applications. 2018 ; Band 8, Nr. 3. S. 637-640.

Chrusciel, Piotr T. ; Delay, Erwann ; Klinger, Paul et al. / Non-singular space-times with a negative cosmological constant: V. Boson stars. in: Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2018 ; Band 108, Nr. 9. S. 2009–2030.

Guo, Ting ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Zhang, Yi. / On (shape-)Wilf equivalence for words. in: Advances in Applied Mathematics. 2018 ; Band 100. S. 87-100.

Constantin, Adrian ; Johnson, Robin. / Steady Large-Scale Ocean Flows in Spherical Coordinates. in: Oceanography. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 3. S. 42-50.

Brown, Donald L. ; Gedicke, Joscha ; Peterseim, Daniel. / Numerical Homogenization of Heterogeneous Fractional Laplacians. in: Multiscale Modeling & Simulation: a S I A M interdisciplinary journal. 2018 ; Band 16, Nr. 3. S. 1305-1332.

Posamentier, Alfred ; Spreitzer, Christian. / The Mathematics of Everyday Life. New York : Prometheus, 2018. 424 S.

Cordero, Fernando ; Klein, Irene ; Perez-Ostafe, Lavinia. / Asymptotic arbitrage in fractional mixed markets. in: Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications. 2018 ; Band 5, Nr. 4. S. 415–428.

Montanher, Tiago de Morais ; Neumaier, Arnold ; Domes, Ferenc. / A computational study of global optimization solvers on two trust region subproblems. in: Journal of Global Optimization. 2018 ; Band 71, Nr. 4. S. 915-934.

Auzinger, Winfried ; Koch, Othmar. / An improved local error estimator for symmetric time-stepping schemes. in: Applied Mathematics Letters. 2018 ; Band 82. S. 106 -110.

Barany, Balazs ; Kaenmaki, Antti ; Koivusalo, Henna. / Dimension of self-affine sets for fixed translation vectors. in: Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 98, Nr. 1. S. 223-252.

Burde, Dietrich ; Ender, Christof ; Moens, Wolfgang. / Post-Lie algebra structures for nilpotent Lie algebras. in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION. 2018 ; Band 28, Nr. 5. S. 915-933.

Patel, Swati ; Schreiber, Sebastian J. / Robust permanence for ecological equations with internal and external feedbacks. in: Journal of Mathematical Biology. 2018 ; Band 77, Nr. 1. S. 79-105.

Borovcnik, Manfred ; Götz, Stefan ; Maaß, Jürgen. / Ein literarischer Zugang zu Zufall und Wahrscheinlichkeit. in: Stochastik in der Schule. 2018 ; Band 38, Nr. 2. S. 2-17.

Wiatowski, Thomas ; Grohs, Philipp ; Bölcskei, Helmut. / Energy Propagation in Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 2018 ; Band 64, Nr. 7. S. 4819-4842.

Velázquez, Juan ; Winter, Raphael Elias. / From a Non-Markovian System to the Landau Equation. in: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2018 ; Band 361, Nr. 1. S. 239-287.