Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Fischer, Ilse ; Romik, Dan. / More refined enumerations of alternating sign matrices. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2009 ; Band 222, Nr. 6. S. 2004-2035.

Kon, Ryusuke ; Schreiber, Sebastian. / Multiparasitoid-host interactions with egg-limited encounter rates. in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2009 ; Band 69, Nr. 4. S. 959-976.

Schachermayer, Walter. / Non-monotone convergence in the quadratic Wasserstein distance. in: Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 2009 ; Band 1979. S. 131-136.

Markowich, Peter ; Matevosyan, Norayr ; Pietschmann, Jan-Frederik et al. / On a Parabolic free Boundary Equation modeling Prize Formation. in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009 ; Band 19, Nr. 10. S. 1929-1957.

Komech, Alexander ; Merzon, A E. / On asymptotic completeness of scattering in the nonlinear Lamb system. in: Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2009 ; Band 50. S. 1-10.

Neretin, Yurii ; Khoroshkin, Sergej. / On mathematical researches of D.P.Zhelobenko. in: RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYS. 2009 ; S. 178--188.

Krön, Bernhard ; Cartwright, Donald I. / On Stalling's unique factorization groups. in: Australian Mathematical Society. Bulletin. 2009 ; Band 73, Nr. 1. S. 27-36.

Markowich, Peter ; Huang, Zhongyi ; Sparber, Christof. / On the Bolch Decomposition base Spectral Method for Wave Propagation in periodic Media. in: Wave Motion. 2009 ; Band 46, Nr. 1. S. 15-28.

Schwermer, Joachim ; Li, Jian-Shu. / On the cuspidal cohomology of arithmetic groups. in: American Journal of Mathematics. 2009 ; Band 131. S. 1431-1464.

Cap, Andreas ; Zadnik, V. / On the Geometry of Chains. in: Journal of Differential Geometry. 2009 ; Band 82, Nr. 1. S. 1-33.

Krattenthaler, Christian ; Rivoal, Tanguy. / On the integrality of the Taylor coefficients of mirror maps, II. in: Communications in Number Theory and Physics. 2009 ; Band 3, Nr. 3. S. 555-591.

Krattenthaler, Christian ; Rochev, Igor ; Väänänen, Keijo et al. / On the non-quadraticity of values of the q-exponential function and related q-series. in: Acta Arithmetica. 2009 ; Band 136. S. 243-269.

Beiglböck, Mathias ; Goldstern, Martin ; Maresch, Gabriel et al. / Optimal and Better Transport Plans. in: Journal of Functional Analysis. 2009 ; Band 256, Nr. 6. S. 1907-1927.

Matessi, Carlo ; Schneider, Kristan. / Optimization under Frequency-Dependent Selection. in: Theoretical Population Biology. 2009 ; Band 76, Nr. 1. S. 1-12.

Rainer, Armin. / Orbit projections as fibrations. in: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2009 ; Band 59, Nr. 2. S. 529-538.

Rainer, Armin. / Orbit projections of proper Lie groupoids as fibrations. in: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal. 2009 ; Band 59, Nr. 3. S. 591-594.

Manapat, Michael ; Bürger, Reinhard ; Nowak, Martin. / Originator dynamics. in: Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2009 ; Band 256. S. 586-595.

Schmidt, Wolfgang ; Summerer, Leonhard. / Parametric geometry of numbers and applications. in: Acta Arithmetica. 2009 ; Band 140, Nr. 1. S. 67-91.

Rainer, Armin. / Perturbation of complex polynomials and normal operators. in: Mathematische Nachrichten. 2009 ; Band 282, Nr. 12. S. 1623-1636.

Fuchs, Martin ; Neumaier, Arnold. / Potential based clouds in robust design optimization. in: Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 2009 ; Band 3. S. 225-238.

Luef, Franz ; Manin, Yuri. / Quantum theta functions and Gabor frames for modulation spaces. in: Letters in Mathematical Physics. 2009 ; Band 88, Nr. 1-3. S. 131-161.

Krön, Bernhard ; Möller, Rögnvaldur G. / Quasi-isometries between graphs and trees. in: Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B. 2009 ; Band 98. S. 994-1013.

Watanabe, Junzo ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Conca, Aldo. / Regular sequences of symmetric polynomials. in: RENDICONTI DEL SEMINARIO MATEMATICO DELLA UNIVERSITA DI PADOVA. 2009 ; Band 121. S. 179-199.

Matevosyan, Norayr ; Apushkinskaya, Darya ; Nikolaevna, Nina. / Regularity of a free boundary in parabolic problem without sign restriction. in: Indiana University Mathematics Journal. 2009 ; Band 58, Nr. 2.