Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Aïdékon, Élie ; Berestycki, Nathanaël ; Jego, Antoine et al. / Multiplicative chaos of the Brownian loop soup. in: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2023 ; Band 126, Nr. 4. S. 1254-1393.

Branding, V. ; Montaldo, S. ; Oniciuc, C. et al. / Polyharmonic hypersurfaces into pseudo-Riemannian space forms. in: Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 2023 ; Band 202, Nr. 2. S. 877-899.

Davoli, E. ; Mazari, I. ; Stefanelli, U. / SPECTRAL OPTIMIZATION OF INHOMOGENEOUS PLATES. in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. 2023 ; Band 61, Nr. 2. S. 852-871.

Pradovera, Davide. / Adaptive approximation of nonlinear eigenproblems by minimal rational interpolation. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. Band 22 Wiley Online Library, 2023.

Górny, Wojciech ; Mazón, José. / Weak solutions to gradient flows in metric measure spaces. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2023.

Lukina, Olga ; Bruin, Henk. / Rotated odometers. in: Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 2023 ; Band 107, Nr. 6. S. 1983-2024.

Páez Guillán, María Pilar ; Siciliano, Salvatore ; Towers, David Anthony. / On the subalgebra lattice of a restricted Lie algebra. in: Linear Algebra and Its Applications. 2023 ; Band 660. S. 47-65.

Switzer, Corey Bacal. / The Special Tree Number. in: Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2023 ; Band 262, Nr. 2. S. 129-151.

Biberger, Simon ; Mercier, Gwenael ; Wallinger, Christian et al. / Artefact Indicator for Flow-based Temporal Interpolation of Power Doppler Ultrasound. in: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2023 ; Band 22, Nr. 1.

Beirao da Veiga, Lourenco ; Mascotto, Lorenzo. / Interpolation and stability properties of low-order face and edge virtual element spaces. in: IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2023 ; Band 43, Nr. 2. S. 828-851.

Friedman, Sy-David ; Ternullo, Claudio. / Maximality Principles in the Hyperuniverse Programme. in: Foundations of Science. 2023 ; Band 28, Nr. 1. S. 287-305.

Müller, Sandra ; Hayut, Yair. / Perfect Subtree Property for Weakly Compact Cardinals. in: Israel Journal of Mathematics. 2023 ; Band 253, Nr. 2. S. 865-886.

Meng, Jian ; Beirao da Veiga, Lourenco ; Mascotto, Lorenzo. / Stability and Interpolation Properties for Stokes-Like Virtual Element Spaces. in: Journal of Scientific Computing. 2023 ; Band 94, Nr. 3.

Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço ; Dassi, Franco ; Manzini, Gianmarco et al. / The virtual element method for the 3D resistive magnetohydrodynamic model. in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2023 ; Band 33, Nr. 3. S. 643-686.

Brazda, Katharina ; Jankowiak, Gaspard ; Schmeiser, Christian et al. / Bifurcation of elastic curves with modulated stiffness. in: European Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2023 ; Band 34, Nr. 1. S. 28-54.

Rustamkulov, Z. ; Sing, D. K. ; Mukherjee, S. et al. / Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec PRISM. in: Nature. 2023 ; Band 614, Nr. 7949. S. 659-663.

Wertheim, Bradley M. ; Wang, Rui Sheng ; Guillermier, Christelle et al. / Proline and glucose metabolic reprogramming supports vascular endothelial and medial biomass in pulmonary arterial hypertension. in: JCI Insight. 2023 ; Band 8, Nr. 4.

Atobe, Hiraku ; Mínguez, Alberto. / The explicit Zelevinsky-Aubert duality. in: Compositio Mathematica. 2023 ; Band 159, Nr. 2. S. 380-418.

Azeef Muhammed, P.A. ; Volkov, M. V. ; Auinger, Karl. / Cross-connection structure of locally inverse semigroups. in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION. 2023 ; Band 33, Nr. 1. S. 123-159.

Bao, Weizhu ; Markowich, Peter A. ; Perthame, Benoit et al. / Preface. in: Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences. 2023 ; Band 40. S. IX-XII.

Bao, Weizhu ; Cai, Yongyong ; Danaila, Ionut et al. / Preface. in: Lecture Notes Series, Institute for Mathematical Sciences. 2023 ; Band 39. S. IX-XII.

Banaji, Murad ; Boros, Balázs. / The smallest bimolecular mass action reaction networks admitting Andronov–Hopf bifurcation. in: Nonlinearity. 2023 ; Band 36, Nr. 2. S. 1398-1433.