Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Montanher, Tiago de Morais ; Neumaier, Arnold ; Markot, Mihaly et al. / Rigorous packing of unit squares into a circle. in: Journal of Global Optimization. 2019 ; Band 73, Nr. 3. S. 547-565.

Bartl, Daniel ; Cheridito, Patrick ; Kupper, Michael. / Robust expected utility maximization with medial limits. in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2019 ; Band 471, Nr. 1-2. S. 752-775.

Arzhantseva, Goulnara ; Berlai, Federico ; Finn-Sell, Martin et al. / Unrestricted wreath products and sofic groups. in: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION. 2019 ; Band 29, Nr. 2. S. 343-355.

Maaß, Jürgen ; Götz, Stefan. / Der Beuteflug des Habichts und das Nest der Sperbers : Einfache Modelle für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht. Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 6. Hrsg. / Irene Grafenhofer ; Jürgen Maaß. Wiesbaden : Springer Spektrum, 2019. S. 113-127 (Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht: ISTRON-Schriftenreihe, Band 6).

Fritzsche, B. ; Kirstein, B. ; Roitberg, I. Ya et al. / Discrete Dirac systems on the semiaxis : rational reflection coefficients and Weyl functions. in: Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. 2019 ; Band 25, Nr. 2. S. 294-304.

Kostenko, Aleksey ; Nicolussi, Noema. / Spectral estimates for infinite quantum graphs. in: Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations. 2019 ; Band 58, Nr. 1.

Miller, Alexander R. / On parity and characters of symmetric groups. in: Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A. 2019 ; Band 162. S. 231-240.

Exl, Lukas ; Fischbacher, Johann ; Kovacs, Alexander et al. / Preconditioned nonlinear conjugate gradient method for micromagnetic energy minimization. in: Computer Physics Communications. 2019 ; Band 235. S. 179-186.

Martin, Calin Iulian ; Ivanov, Rossen ; Compelli, Alan et al. / Surface waves over currents and uneven bottom. in: Deep-Sea Research. Part 2: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 2019 ; Band 160. S. 25-31.

Charina, Maria ; Conti, Costanza ; Cotronei, Mariantonia et al. / System theory and orthogonal multi-wavelets. in: Journal of Approximation Theory. 2019 ; Band 238. S. 85-102.

Balkenborg, Dieter ; Hofbauer, Josef ; Kuzmics, Christoph. / The Refined Best Reply Correspondence and Backward Induction. in: German Economic Review. 2019 ; Band 20, Nr. 1. S. 52-66.

Eckhardt, Jonathan. / Unique Solvability of a Coupling Problem for Entire Functions. in: Constructive Approximation. 2019 ; Band 49, Nr. 1. S. 123–148.

Gerstl, Matthias P ; Müller, Stefan ; Regensburger, Georg et al. / Flux tope analysis: studying the coordination of reaction directions in metabolic networks. in: Bioinformatics. 2019 ; Band 35, Nr. 2. S. 266 - 273.

Edholm, Luke David ; McNeal, Jeffery D. ; Chakrabarti, Debraj. / Duality and approximation of Bergman spaces. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2019 ; Band 341, Nr. 7. S. 616-656.

Hofstätter, Harald ; Auzinger, Winfried ; Koch, Othmar. / An Algorithm for Computing Coefficients of Words in Expressions Involving Exponentials and Its Application to the Construction of Exponential Integrators. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing - 21st International Workshop, CASC 2019, Proceedings. Hrsg. / Matthew England ; Timur M. Sadykov ; Werner M. Seiler ; Wolfram Koepf ; Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov. Springer, 2019. S. 197-214 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 11661 LNCS).

Bespalov, Alex ; Praetorius, Dirk ; Rocchi, Leonardo et al. / Convergence of adaptive stochastic Galerkin fem. in: SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. 2019 ; Band 57, Nr. 5. S. 2359-2382.

Fernández-Bertolin, Aingeru ; Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Jaming, Philippe. / From Heisenberg uniqueness pairs to properties of the Helmholtz andLaplace equations. in: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2019 ; Band 469, Nr. 1. S. 202 -219.

Bammer, Roswitha ; Dörfler, Monika ; Harar, Pavol. / Gabor frames and deep scattering networks in audio processing. in: Axioms. 2019 ; Band 8, Nr. 4.

Congreve, Scott ; Gedicke, Joscha ; Perugia, Ilaria. / Numerical investigation of the conditioning for plane wave discontinuous Galerkin methods. Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017. Hrsg. / Florin Adrian Radu ; Kundan Kumar ; Inga Berre ; Jan Martin Nordbotten ; Iuliu Sorin Pop. Springer, 2019. S. 493-500 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Band 126).

Haskovec, Jan ; Kreusser, Lisa Maria ; Markowich, Peter. / ODE-and PDE-based modeling of biological transportation networks. in: Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 2019 ; Band 17, Nr. 5. S. 1235-1256.

Bot, Radu Ioan ; Csetnek, Ernö Robert ; Meier, Dennis. / Variable Metric ADMM for Solving Variational Inequalities with Monotone Operators over Affine Sets. Splitting Algorithms, Modern Operator Theory, and Applications. Hrsg. / Heinz H. Bauschke ; Regina Sandra Burachik ; D. Russell Luke. Cham : Springer, 2019. S. 91 - 112

Friedrich, Manuel ; Mainini, Edoardo ; Piovano, Paolo et al. / Characterization of Optimal Carbon Nanotubes Under Stretching and Validation of the Cauchy–Born Rule. in: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 2019 ; Band 231, Nr. 1. S. 465-517.

Bruin, Henk ; Carminati, Carlo ; Marmi, Stefano et al. / Matching in a family of piecewise affine maps. in: Nonlinearity. 2019 ; Band 32, Nr. 1. S. 172-208.

Rainer, Armin ; Schindl, Gerhard. / On the extension of Whitney ultrajets. in: Studia Mathematica. 2019 ; Band 245, Nr. 3. S. 255-287.

Weinert, Thilo Volker ; Lambie-Hanson, Chris. / Partitioning subsets of generalised scattered orders. in: Mathematical Society of Japan. Journal. 2019 ; Band 71, Nr. 1. S. 235 - 257.

Ballard, Matthew ; Favero, David ; Katzarkov, Ludmil. / Variation of geometric invariant theory quotients and derived categories. in: Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik: Crelle's journal. 2019 ; Band 2019, Nr. 746. S. 235–303.

Friedman, Sy-David ; Hoffelner, Stefan. / A Σ 1 4 WELLORDER of the REALS with NS ω1 SATURATED. in: Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2019 ; Band 84, Nr. 4. S. 1466-1483.