Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Baranov, Anton ; Bommier Hato, Helene. / De Branges spaces and Fock spaces. in: Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations. 2018 ; Band 63, Nr. 7-8. S. 907-930.

Holzleitner, Markus ; Kostenko, Aleksey ; Teschl, Gerald. / Dispersion estimates for spherical Schrodinger equations with critical angular momentum. Non-Linear Partial Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics, and Stochastic Analysis: The Helge Holden Anniversary Volume. Hrsg. / Fritz Gesztesy ; Harald HancheOlsen ; Espen R. Jakobsen ; Yurii Lyubarskii ; Nils Henrik Risebro ; Kristian Seip. Zürich : European Mathematical Society, 2018. S. 319-347 (EMS Series of Congress Reports).

Götz, Stefan. / Eine echte Teilmenge: zum Konzept der standardisierten schriftlichen Reifeprüfung in Mathematik an AHS. Mathematik im Unterricht : Nummer 9. Hrsg. / Günter Maresch ; Karl Josef Fuchs ; Simon Plangg ; Marion Zöggeler. Band 9 Lulu, 2018. S. 15-28 (Mathematik im Unterricht, Band 9).

Schichl, Hermann ; Steinbauer, Roland. / Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten. 3., überarbeitete Aufl. Berlin : Springer Spektrum, 2018. 530 S.

Henry, David ; Martin, Calin Iulian. / Exact, purely azimuthal stratified equatorial flows in cylindrical coordinates. in: Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations. 2018 ; Band 15, Nr. 4. S. 337-349.

Esmaeili, Hamid ; Rostami, Majid ; Kimiaei, Morteza. / Extended Dai--Yuan conjugate gradient strategy for large-scale unconstrained optimization with applications to compressive sensing. in: FILOMAT. 2018 ; Band 32, Nr. 6. S. 2173-2191.

Nigsch, Eduard ; Grosser, Michael. / Full and special Colombeau Algebras. in: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 61, Nr. 4. S. 961-994.

Sakhnovych, Oleksandr. / GBDT of discrete skew-selfadjoint dirac systems and explicit solutions of the corresponding non-stationary problems. Operator theory, analysis and the state space approach. Hrsg. / H. Bart ; S. ter Horst ; A. Ran ; H. Woerdeman. Cham : Birkhäuser, 2018. S. 389-398 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Band 271).

Neretin, Yurii. / ”La méthode de la seconde quantification” de F. A. Berezin. Regards quarante ans plus tard. Les "supermathématiques" et F. A. Berezin: Societe Mathematique de France. Hrsg. / C. Anne ; V. Roubtsov. Paris : Société mathématique de France, 2018. S. 15-58 (La série T).

Mattes, Josef. / Mindfulness and the psychology of ethical dogmatism. in: Journal of Buddhist Ethics. 2018 ; Band 28. S. 233-269.

Embacher, Franz. / Minimal Inverted Classroom in der universitären Lehramtsausbildung. Inverted Classroom. Vielfältiges Lernen: Begleitband zur 7. Konferenz Inverted Classroom and Beyond 2018, FH St. Pölten, 20. & 21. Februar 2018. Hrsg. / Josef Buchner ; Christian F. Freisleben-Teutscher ; Johann Haag ; Erwin Rauscher. 1. Aufl. Brunn am Gebirge : ikon VerlagsGesmbH, 2018. S. 87-93

Embacher, Franz. / Minimal Inverted Classroom in einer universitären Analysis-Vorlesung. Vorträge zur Mathematikdidaktik und zur Schnittstelle Mathematik/Mathematikdidaktik auf der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung GDM und DMV 2018 (52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik) . Hrsg. / Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universität Paderborn. Band 1 1. Aufl. Münster : WTM-Verlag, 2018. S. 509-512 (Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht : BM, Band 2018).

Spreitzer, Christian. / Modeling a real pendulum using smartphone sensor technology. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13). Band R&E-SOURCE Open Online Journal, Special Issue 6 (2017) 2018.

Sfakianakis, Nikolaos ; Peurichard, Diane ; Brunk, Aaron et al. / Modelling cell-cell collision and adhesion with the Filament Based Lamellipodium Model. in: Biomath. 2018 ; Band 7, Nr. 2.

Bruveris, Martins ; Michor, Peter ; Parusinski, Adam et al. / Moser's theorem on manifolds with corners. in: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 146. S. 4889 - 4897.

Sakhnovych, Oleksandr. / On accelerants and their analogs, and on the characterization of the rectangular Weyl functions for Dirac systems with locally square-integrable potentials on a semi-axis. Indefinite inner product spaces, Schur analysis, and differential equations: A Volume Dedicated to Heinz Langer. Hrsg. / Daniel Alpay ; Bernd Kirstein. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2018. S. 393-406 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Band 263).

Nenning, David Nicolas ; Rainer, Armin. / On groups of Hölder diffeomorphisms and their regularity. in: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 370, Nr. 8. S. 5761-5794.

Achleitner, Franz ; Arnold, Anton ; Carlen, Eric. / On multi-dimensional hypocoercive BGK models. in: Kinetic and Related Models. 2018 ; Band 11, Nr. 4. S. 953-1009.

Mahnkopf, Joachim. / On Slope Subspaces of Cohomology of p-adic Verma Modules. Cohomology of arithmetic groups: On the Occasion of Joachim Schwermer's 66th Birthday, Bonn, Germany, June 2016. Hrsg. / James W. Cogdell ; Günter Harder ; Stephen Kudla ; Freydoon Shahidi. Cham : Springer, 2018. S. 107-155

Cordero, Elena ; de Gosson, Maurice ; Dörfler, Monika et al. / On the symplectic covariance and interferences of time-frequency distributions. in: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2018 ; Band 50, Nr. 2. S. 2178 - 2193.

Martin, Calin Iulian. / On the vorticity of mesoscale ocean currents. in: Oceanography. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 3. S. 28-35.

Cuchiero, Christa ; Larsson, Martin ; Svaluto-Ferro, Sara. / Polynomial jump-diffusions on the unit simplex. in: Annals of Applied Probability. 2018 ; Band 28, Nr. 4. S. 2451-2500.

de Gosson, Maurice. / Quantum Harmonic Analysis of the Density Matrix. in: Quanta. 2018 ; Band 7, Nr. 1. S. 74-110.

Berestycki, Nathanael ; Lubetzky, Eyal ; Peres, Yuval et al. / Random walks on the random graph. in: Annals of Probability. 2018 ; Band 46, Nr. 1. S. 456-490.

Koivusalo, Henna ; Ramírez, Felipe A. / Recurrence to shrinking targets on typical self-affine fractals. in: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 61, Nr. 2. S. 387-400.

Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Pandit, Pranav ; Simpson, Carlos. / Reduction for SL(3) pre-buildings. String-Math 2016. Hrsg. / Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor ; Ruben Minasian ; Nikita Nekrasov ; Boris Pioline. Providence, Rhode Island : AMER MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2018. S. 207-227 (Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Band 98).

Davoli, Elisa ; Fonseca, Irene. / Relaxation of p-growth integral functionals under space-dependent differential constraints. Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics. Hrsg. / Elisabetta Rocca ; Ulisse Stefanelli ; Lev Truskinovsky ; Augusto Visintin. Cham : Springer, 2018. S. 1-22 (Springer INdAM Series, Band 27).

Wheeler, Miles. / Simplified Models for Equatorial Waves with Vertical Structure. in: Oceanography. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 3. S. 36-41.

Bruin, Henk ; Cinc, Jernej ; Anusic, Ana. / The core Ingram conjecture for non-recurrent critical points. in: Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2018 ; Band 241, Nr. 3. S. 209–235.