Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Domes, Ferenc ; Neumaier, Arnold. / Rigorous verification of feasibility. in: Journal of Global Optimization. 2015 ; Band 61, Nr. 2. S. 255 - 278.

Komech, Alexander ; Imaykin, Valery ; Spohn, Herbert. / On the Lagrangian theory for rotating charge in the Maxwell field. in: Physics Letters. Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics. 2015 ; Band 379, Nr. 1-2. S. 5-10.

Nigsch, Eduard. / The functional analytic foundation of Colombeau algebras. in: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2015 ; Band 421, Nr. 1. S. 415-435.

Kostenko, Aleksey. / A Note on J-positive Block Operator Matrices. in: Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 2015 ; Band 81, Nr. 1. S. 113-125.

Chen, Xiaojie ; Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Brännström, Åke et al. / First carrot, then stick: how the adaptive hybridization of incentives promotes cooperation. in: Journal of the Royal Society. Interface. 2015 ; Band 12, Nr. 102.

Beigl, Alexander ; Eckhardt, Jonathan ; Kostenko, Aleksey et al. / On spectral deformations and singular Weyl functions for one-dimensional Dirac operators. in: Journal of Mathematical Physics. 2015 ; Band 56, Nr. 1.

Siorpaes, Pietro. / Optimal investment and price dependence in a semi-static market. in: Finance and Stochastics. 2015 ; Band 19, Nr. 1. S. 161-187.

Kupka, Friedrich ; Grimm-Strele, Hannes ; Loew-Baselli, Bernhard et al. / Realistic Simulations of Stellar Surface Convection with ANTARES: I. Boundary Conditions and Model Relaxation. in: New Astronomy. 2015 ; Band 34. S. 278 -293.

Davoli, Elisa ; Francfort, Gilles. / A Critical Revisiting of Finite Elasto-Plasticity. in: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2015 ; Band 47, Nr. 1. S. 526 - 565.

Parusinski, Adam ; Rainer, Armin. / A new proof of Bronshtein's theorem. in: Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations. 2015 ; Band 12, Nr. 4. S. 671--688.

Diaz del Rio, Fernando ; Real, Pedro ; Onchis-Moaca, Darian. / A Parallel Implementation for Computing the Region ‐ Adjacency ‐ Tree of a Segmentation of a 2D Digital Image. Beitrag in 7th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, Neuseeland.

Hörmann, Günther ; Kunzinger, Michael ; Konjik, Sanja. / A regularization approach to non-smooth symplectic geometry. Pseudo-Differential Operators and Generalized Functions. Hrsg. / S. Pilipović ; J. Toft. Band 245 Cham : Birkhäuser, 2015. S. 119 -132 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Band 245).

Lind, Douglas ; Schmidt, Klaus. / A survey of algebraic actions of the discrete Heisenberg group. in: RUSSIAN MATHEMATICAL SURVEYS. 2015 ; Band 70, Nr. 4. S. 657-714.

Kallipoliti, Myrto ; Tzanaki, Eleni. / Bijections of dominant regions in the m-Shi arrangements of type A,B and C. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics. DMTCS, 2015. S. 595-606

Berestycki, Nathanaël ; Garban, Christophe ; Sen, Arnab. / Coalescing Brownian flows : A new approach. in: Annals of Probability. 2015 ; Band 43, Nr. 6. S. 3177-3215.

Ghorpade, Sudhir R. ; Krattenthaler, Christian. / Computation of the a-invariant of ladder determinantal rings. in: Journal of Algebra and its Applications. 2015 ; Band 14, Nr. 9.

Calvez, Vincent ; Raoul, Gael ; Schmeiser, Christian. / Confinement by biased velocity jumps: aggregation of Escheria coli. in: Kinetic and Related Models. 2015 ; Band 8, Nr. 4. S. 651-666.

Bot, Radu Ioan ; Hendrich, Christopher. / Convex risk minimization via proximal splitting methods. in: Optimization Letters. 2015 ; Band 9, Nr. 5. S. 867-885.

Auzinger, Winfried ; Koch, Othmar ; Thalhammer, Mechthild. / Defect-based local error estimators for high-order splitting methods involving three linear operators. in: Numerical Algorithms. 2015 ; Band 70. S. 61 - 91.

Böhning, Christian ; Graf von Bothmer, Hans-Christian ; Katzarkov, Ludmil et al. / Determinantal Barlow surfaces and phantom categories. in: Journal of the European Mathematical Society. 2015 ; Band 17, Nr. 7. S. 1569–1592.

Gilmore, Tomack. / Enumerating some symmetry classes of rhombus tilings of holey hexagons. Proc. FPSAC'15: Proceedings of the 27th International COnference on Formal Power. 2015. S. 487 - 498 (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science).

Hofbauer, Josef ; Zhang, Boyu. / Equilibrium selection via replicator dynamics in 2x2 coordination games. in: International Journal of Game Theory. 2015 ; Band 44 (May 2015). S. 433 - 448.

Li, Hanfeng ; Peterson, Jesse ; Schmidt, Klaus. / Ergodicity of principal algebraic group actions. in: Contemporary Mathematics (CONM). 2015 ; Band 631. S. 201-210.

Onchis-Moaca, Darian ; Gotia, Smaranda Laura ; Real, Pedro. / Estimating the position of the mandibular canal in dental radiographs using the generalized Hough transform. Beitrag in 21st Conference on A pplications of C omputer A lgebra, Griechenland.

Real, Pedro ; Gonzales, Aldo ; Bac, Alexandra et al. / EXPLORING RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN HOMOLOGY GENERATORS USING ALGEBRAIC-TOPOLOGICAL MODELS OF REGULAR CW-COMPLEXES. Beitrag in 21st Conference on A pplications of C omputer A lgebra, Griechenland.

Süss-Stepancik, Evelyn ; Götz, Stefan. / Four steps on the way to create argumentation competence supported by technology. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME9, 4-8 February 2015). Hrsg. / Konrad Krainer ; Naďa Vondrová. Prague, Czech Republic : Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education and ERME, 2015. S. 228-229

Luef, Franz ; Feichtinger, Hans Georg. / Gabor analysis and time-frequency methods. Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2015.

Gramchev, Todor ; Lecke, Alexander ; Pilipovic, Stevan et al. / Gelfand–Shilov Type Spaces Through Hermite Expansions. Pseudo-Differential Operators and Generalized Functions. Hrsg. / Stevan Pilipovic ; Joachim Toft. Cha : Birkhäuser, 2015. S. 95-105 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Band 245).

De Zanet, Chiara. / Generic one-step bracket-generating distributions of rank four. in: Archivum Mathematicum. 2015 ; Band 51, Nr. 5. S. 257-264.

Müller, Stefan ; Hofbauer, Josef. / Genetic Recombination as a Chemical Reaction Network. in: Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena. 2015 ; Band 10, Nr. 5. S. 84-99.

Sämann, Clemens ; Steinbauer, Roland. / Geodesic completeness of generalized space-times. Pseudo-differential operators and generalized functions: Advances and Applications. Hrsg. / Stevan Pilipovic ; Joachim Toft. Band 245 Birkhäuser, 2015. S. 243 - 253 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications).

Hofbauer, Josef ; Su, Linlin. / Global stability in diallelic migration-selection models. in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2015 ; Band 428, Nr. 1. S. 677-695.