Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Ashbaugh, Mark ; Gesztesy, Fritz ; Mitrea, Marius et al. / The Krein-von Neumann extension and its connection to an abstract buckling problem. in: Mathematische Nachrichten. 2010 ; Band 283. S. 165-179.

Beiglböck, Mathias ; Bergelson, Vitaly ; Fish, Alexander. / The sumset phenomenon in amenable groups. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2010 ; Band 223, Nr. 2. S. 416-432.

Kofler, Kevin ; Haq, Irfan Ul ; Schikuta, Erich. / User-Centric, Heuristic Optimization of Service Composition in Clouds. 16th European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (EuroPar'10). Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, 2010. S. 405-417

Dubernet, Marie-Lise ; Kupka, Friedrich. / Virtual atomic and molecular data centre. in: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 2010 ; Band 111. S. 2151-2159.

Cuesta, Carlota Maria ; Hittmeir, Sabine ; Schmeiser, Christian. / Weak shocks of a BGK kinetic model for isentropic gas dynamics. in: Kinetic and Related Models. 2010 ; Band 3. S. 255-279.

Komech, Alexander ; Kopylova, Elena. / Weighted energy decay for 3D Klein-Gordon equation. in: Journal of Differential Equations. 2010 ; Band 248, Nr. 3. S. 501-520.


Vértesi, Vera ; Stipsicz, András I. / On invariants for Legendrian knots. in: Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 2009 ; Band 239, Nr. 1.

Schneider, Kristan ; Schneider, Georg. / A Note on Hilbert-Schmidt Hankel-Operators between Differently Weighted Spaces. in: International Mathematical Forum. 2009 ; Band 4, Nr. 33. S. 1649-1653.

Schachermayer, Walter. / A rotationally invariant technique for rare event simulation. in: Risk Magazine. 2009 ; Band 22, Nr. 10. S. 90-94.

Schmidt, Klaus ; Verbitskiy, Evgeny. / Abelian sandpiles and the harmonic model. in: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2009 ; Band 292. S. 721-759.

Deschamps, Sandra ; Dekimpe, K ; Burde, Dietrich. / Affine actions on Nilpotent Lie groups. in: Forum Mathematicum. 2009 ; Band 21, Nr. 5. S. 921-934.

Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Pantev, Tony ; Toen, Bertrand. / Algebraic and topological aspects of the schematization functor. in: Compositio Mathematica. 2009 ; Band 145. S. 633-686.

Krön, Bernhard ; Möller, Rögnvaldur G. / Analogues of Cayley graphs for totally disconnected topological groups. in: Mathematische Zeitschrift. 2009 ; Band 258, Nr. 3. S. 637-675.

Fournais, Soeren ; Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Maria ; Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas et al. / Analytic Structure of Many-Body Coulombic Wave Functions. in: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2009 ; Band 289, Nr. 1. S. 291-310.

Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Maria ; Hoffmann-Ostenhof, Thomas ; Ostergaard Sorensen, Thomas et al. / Analytic structure of solutions to multiconfiguration equations. in: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2009 ; Band 42.

Hofbauer, Josef ; Oechssler, Jörg ; Riedel, Frank. / Brown-von Neumann-Nash dynamics: The continuous strategy case. in: Games and Economic Behavior. 2009 ; Band 65, Nr. March 2009. S. 406-429.

Abrams, Peter ; Rüffler, Claus. / Coexistence and limiting similarity of consumer species competing for a linear array of resources. in: Ecology. 2009 ; Band 90, Nr. 3. S. 812-822.

Burde, Dietrich ; Eick, Bettina ; de Graaf, Willem A. / Computing faithful representations for nilpotent Lie algebras. in: Journal of Algebra. 2009 ; Band 322, Nr. 3. S. 602-612.

Popovych, Roman ; Ivanova, Nataliya M. ; Sophocleous, C. et al. / Conservation laws and potential symmetries for certain evolution equations. in: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2009 ; Band 388, Nr. 4. S. 343-356.

Reichel, Hans-Christian (Herausgeber*in) ; Litschauer, Dieter ; Groß, Herbert et al. / Das ist Mathematik 3 NEU : Lehrbuch und Aufgabensammlung für die 3. Klasse der allgemein bildenden höheren Schulen und der Hauptschulen. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag Schulbuch GmbH (ÖBV), 2009. 280 S.

Schmeiser, Christian ; Haskovec, Jan. / Diffusive limit of a kinetic model for cometary flows. in: Journal of Statistical Physics. 2009 ; Band 136. S. 179-194.

Kupka, Friedrich ; Ballot, Jérome ; Muthsam, Herbert. / Effects of resolution and helium abundance in A star surface convection simulations. in: Communications in Asteroseismology. 2009 ; Band 160. S. 30-63.

Schichl, Hermann ; Steinbauer, Roland. / Einführung in das mathematische Arbeiten. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2009. 482 S. (Springer-Lehrbuch).