Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Romero, Jose Luis ; Unnikrishnan, Jayakrishnan et al. / Mobile sampling of bandlimited fields. 2015 International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, SampTA 2015. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2015. S. 449-452

Carqueville, Nils ; Brunner, Ilka ; Pencner, Daniel. / Discrete torsion defects. in: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2015 ; Band 337, Nr. 1. S. 429-453.

Auricchio, Ferdinando ; Bessoud, Anne-Laure ; Reali, Alessandro et al. / A phenomenological model for the magneto-mechanical response of single-crystal magnetic shape memory alloys. in: European Journal of Mechanics A - Solids. 2015 ; Band 52. S. 1-11.

Hilbe, Christian ; Traulsen, Arne ; Sigmund, Karl. / Partners or Rivals? Strategies for the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. in: Games and Economic Behavior. 2015 ; Band 92. S. 41-52.

Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Ortega-Cerdà, Joaquim ; Romero, José Luis. / Deformation of Gabor systems. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2015 ; Band 277. S. 388-425.

Uecker, Hildegard ; Setter, Derek ; Hermisson, Joachim. / Adaptive gene introgression after secondary contact. in: Journal of Mathematical Biology. 2015 ; Band 70, Nr. 7. S. 1523-1580.

Noll, Alexander ; Katzarkov, Ludmil ; Pandit, Pranav Sudhir et al. / Harmonic Maps to Buildings and Singular Perturbation Theory. in: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2015 ; Band 336, Nr. 2. S. 853-903.

Mundprecht, Eva ; Muthsam, Herbert ; Kupka, Friedrich. / Multidimensional realistic modelling of Cepheid-like variables – II: Analysis of a Cepheid model. in: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2015 ; Band 449, Nr. 3. S. 2539-2552.

Okada, Isamu ; Yamamoto, Hitoshi ; Toriumi, Fujio et al. / The Effect of Incentives and Meta-incentives on the Evolution of Cooperation. in: PLoS Computational Biology. 2015 ; Band 11, Nr. 5. S. e1004232.

Gröchenig, Karlheinz ; Bayer, Dominik. / Time-Frequency Localization Operators and a Berezin Transform. in: Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 2015 ; Band 82, Nr. 1. S. 95-117.

Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Okada, Isamu. / Cheating is evolutionarily assimilated with cooperation in the continuous snowdrift game. in: BioSystems. 2015 ; Band 131. S. 51-59.

Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Uchida, Satoshi ; Chen, Xiaojie. / Voluntary rewards mediate the evolution of pool punishment for maintaining public goods in large populations. in: Scientific Reports. 2015 ; Band 5. S. 8917.

Grimm-Strele, Hannes ; Kupka, Friedrich ; Muthsam, Herbert. / Achievable Efficiency of Numerical Methods for Simulations of Solar Surface Convection. in: Computer Physics Communications. 2015 ; Band 188. S. 7-20.

de Gosson, Maurice. / Hamiltonian Deformations of Gabor Frames: First Steps. in: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2015 ; Band 38, Nr. 2. S. 196-221.

Martin, Alexandre ; Swiatkowski, Jacek. / Infinitely-ended hyperbolic groups with homeomorphic Gromov boundaries. in: Journal of Group Theory. 2015 ; Band 18, Nr. 2. S. 273 - 289.

Cerny, Jiri ; Wassmer, Tobias. / Randomly trapped random walks on Zd. in: Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 2015 ; Band 125, Nr. 3. S. 1032-1057.

Lee, Joung-Hun ; Sigmund, Karl ; Dieckmann, Ulf et al. / Games of corruption : How to suppress illegal logging. in: Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2015 ; Band 367. S. 1-13.

Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas W. . / Generalised Apéry numbers modulo 9. in: Journal of Number Theory. 2015 ; Band 147. S. 708 - 720.

Komech, Alexander ; Kopylova, Elena. / Weighted energy decay for magnetic Klein-Gordon equation. in: Applicable Analysis. 2015 ; Band 94, Nr. 2. S. 218-232.