Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Cigler, Johann ; Zeng, Jiang. / A curious q-analogue of Hermite polynomials. in: Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A. 2011 ; Band 118. S. 9-26.

Beiglböck, Mathias ; Schachermayer, Walter ; Veliyev, Bezirgen. / A Direct Proof of the Bichteler--Dellacherie Theorem and Connections to Arbitrage. in: Annals of Probability. 2011 ; Band 39, Nr. 6. S. 2424-2440.

Burger, Martin ; Matevosyan, Norayr ; Wolfram, Marie-Therese. / A level set based shape optimization method for an elliptic obstacle problem. in: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011 ; Band 21, Nr. 4. S. 619-649.

Cameron, Peter ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas. / A note on higher-dimensional magic matrices. in: The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics. 2011 ; Band 50. S. 205-215.

Heitzinger, Franz Clemens ; Ringhofer, Christian. / A transport equation for confined structures derived from the Boltzmann equation. in: Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 2011 ; Band 9, Nr. 3. S. 829-857.

Perlega, Stefan. / Additional results to a theorem of Eisenträger and Everest. in: Archiv der Mathematik. 2011 ; Band 97. S. 141-149.

Keller-Ressel, Martin ; Schachermayer, Walter ; Teichmann, Josef. / Affine processes are regular. in: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2011 ; Band 151, Nr. 3-4. S. 591-611.

Bulyha, Alena ; Heitzinger, Franz Clemens ; Heitzinger, Franz Clemens. / An algorithm for three-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation of charge distribution at biofunctionalized surfaces. in: Nanoscale. 2011 ; Band 3, Nr. 4. S. 1608-1617.

Nigsch, Eduard. / Approximation properties of local smoothing kernels. in: Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 2011 ; Band 22, Nr. 4-5. S. 303-310.

Bacher, Roland ; Krattenthaler, Christian. / Chromatic statistics for Catalan and Fusz-Catalan numbers. in: Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 2011 ; Band 18, Nr. 1.

Mitsch, Heinz. / Classes of semigroups with compatible natural partial order I. in: Mathematica Pannonica. 2011 ; Band 22, Nr. 2. S. 1-34.

Svardal, Hannes ; Rüffler, Claus ; Hermisson, Joachim. / COMPARING ENVIRONMENTAL AND GENETIC VARIANCE AS ADAPTIVE RESPONSE TO FLUCTUATING SELECTION. in: Evolution. 2011 ; Band 65, Nr. 9. S. 2492-2513.

Cameron, Peter ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Müller, Thomas. / Decomposable functors and the exponential principle, II. in: Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. 2011 ; Band 61A.

Michor, Peter ; Rainer, Armin ; Kriegl, Andreas. / Denjoy-Carleman differentiable perturbation of polynomials and unbounded operators. in: Integral Equations and Operator Theory. 2011 ; Band 71, Nr. 3. S. 407-416.

Stimming, Hans-Peter ; Mauser, Norbert ; Schmiedmayer, Hannes-Jörg et al. / Dephasing in coherently split quasicondensates. in: Physical Review A. 2011 ; Band 63. S. 9-23618.

Neumaier, Arnold ; Fendl, Hannes ; Schilly, Harald et al. / Derivative-free unconstrained optimization based on QR factorizations. in: Soft Computing: a fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications. 2011 ; Band 15. S. 2287-2298.

Galanis, Jennifer ; Ehler, Martin. / Disorder Disguised as Order: the Science of Randomness. Proceedings of the 14th Generative Art International Conference 2011, Rome. 2011. S. 231-241

Dos Santos Cardoso-Bihlo, Elsa Maria ; Bihlo, Alexander ; Popovych, Roman. / Enhanced preliminary group classification of a class of generalized diffusion equations. in: Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2011 ; Band 16, Nr. 9. S. 3622-3638.

Hofbauer, Josef ; Takahashi, Satoru ; Oyama, Daisuke. / Equilibrium Selection in Binary Supermodular Games under Perfect Foresight Dynamics. in: International Journal of Economic Theory. 2011 ; Band 7. S. 251-267.

Bruschek, Clemens ; Wagner, Dominique. / Etale Neighbourhoods and the Normal Crossings Locus. in: Expositiones Mathematicae. 2011 ; Band 29, Nr. 1. S. 133-414.

Schneider, Kristan ; Peischl, Stephan. / Evolution of Assortative Mating in a Population Expressing Dominance. in: PLoS ONE. 2011 ; Band 6, Nr. 4.