Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Allen, Demi ; Troscheit, Sascha. / The Mass Transference Principle : Ten years on. HORIZONS OF FRACTAL GEOMETRY AND COMPLEX DIMENSIONS. Hrsg. / Robert G. Niemeyer ; Erin P. J. Pearse ; John A. Rock ; Tony Samuel. AMER MATHEMATICAL SOC, 2019. S. 1-33 (Contemporary Mathematics (CONM), Band 731).

Constantin, Adrian ; Johnson, Robin. / The role of nonlinearity in geostrophic ocean flows on a sphere. Nonlinear Systems and Their Remarkable Mathematical Structures: Volume I. Hrsg. / Norbert Euler. Band 1 9781138601000 : CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2019. S. 500-519

Darji, Udayan B. ; Elekes, Márton ; Kalina, Kende et al. / The structure of random automorphisms of countable structures. in: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2019 ; Band 371. S. 8829-8848 .

Ceballos, Cesar ; Pons, Viviane. / The s-weak order and s-permutahedra. Beitrag in 31st International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, FPSAC 2019, Ljubljana, Slowenien.12 S.

Berner, Julius ; Elbrächter, Dennis ; Grohs, Philipp et al. / Towards a regularity theory for ReLU networks – chain rule and global error estimates. 2019 13th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA). Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2019. S. 1-5

Holzmüller, Julian ; Schrefl, Thomas ; Exl, Lukas et al. / Use of Accelerators for the Calculation of Magnetic Fields. Beitrag in Parallel Numerics 2019, Dubrovnik, Kroatien.


Vértesi, Vera ; Etnyre, John B. / Legendrian Satellites. in: International Mathematics Research Notices. 2018 ; Band 2018, Nr. 23. S. 7241–7304.

Bodmann, Bernhard G. ; Ehler, Martin ; Gräf, Manuel. / From low to high-dimensional moments without magic. in: Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 4. S. 2167–2193.

Mascotto, Lorenzo ; Perugia, Ilaria ; Pichler, Alexander. / Non-conforming harmonic virtual element method: $h$- and $p$-versions. in: Journal of Scientific Computing. 2018 ; Band 77, Nr. 3. S. 1874–1908.

Bray, Hubert ; Chikako, Mese ; Codá Marques, Fernando et al. / The mathematics of Richard Schoen. in: Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 2018 ; Band 65, Nr. 11. S. 1349-1376.

Burde, Dietrich ; Dekimpe, Karel ; Verbeke, Bert. / Almost inner derivations of Lie algebras. in: Journal of Algebra and its Applications. 2018 ; Band 17, Nr. 11.

Ortiz, Michael ; Schmidt, Bernd ; Stefanelli, Ulisse. / A variational approach to Navier-Stokes. in: Nonlinearity. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 12. S. 5664-5682.

Ehler, Martin ; Gräf, Manuel. / Numerically optimizing weights for Monte Carlo integration on smooth compact manifolds. Proceedings - 2017 19th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2017. Hrsg. / Tetsuo Ida ; Tudor Jebelean ; Dana Petcu ; Stephen M. Watt ; Viorel Negru ; Daniela Zaharie. Band 1 Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2018. S. 393-396

Exner, Pavel ; Kostenko, Aleksey ; Malamud, Mark et al. / Spectral Theory of Infinite Quantum Graphs. in: Annales Henri Poincare. 2018 ; Band 19, Nr. 11. S. 3457-3510.

de Gosson, Maurice. / Short-Time Propagators and the Born--Jordan Quantization Rule. in: Entropy. 2018 ; Band 20, Nr. 11.

Levine, Maxwell Simon. / Stationary Sets Added When Forcing Squares. in: Archive for Mathematical Logic. 2018 ; Band 57, Nr. 7-8. S. 909-916.

Berkovich, Alexander ; Chan, Heng Huat ; Schlosser, Michael. / Wronskians of theta functions and series for 1/π. in: Advances in Mathematics. 2018 ; Band 338, Nr. 7. S. 266-304.

Haziot, Susanna ; Marynets, Kateryna. / Applying the Stereographic Projection to Modeling of the Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. in: Oceanography. 2018 ; Band 31, Nr. 3. S. 68-75.

Gedicke, Joscha ; Khan, Arbaz. / Arnold-Winther mixed finite elements for Stokes eigenvalue problems. in: SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. 2018 ; Band 40, Nr. 5. S. A3449-A3469.

Schindl, Gerhard ; Esser, Céline. / How far is the Borel map from being surjective in quasianalytic ultradifferentiable classes?. in: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2018 ; Band 466, Nr. 1. S. 986-1008.

Berestycki, Nathanaël ; Webb, Christian ; Wong, Mo Dick. / Random Hermitian Matrices and Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos. in: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2018 ; Band 172, Nr. 1-2. S. 103-189.

Benito, Pilar ; Gubarev, Vsevolod ; Pozhidaev, Alexander. / Rota–Baxter Operators on Quadratic Algebras. in: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 2018 ; Band 15, Nr. 5.

Blanc, Anthony ; Pandit, Pranav Sudhir ; Katzarkov, Ludmil. / Generators in formal deformations of categories. in: Compositio Mathematica. 2018 ; Band 154, Nr. 10. S. 2055-2089.

Kossovskiy, Ilya ; Zaitsev, Dmitri. / Normal Form for Second Order Differential Equations. in: Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. 2018 ; Band 24, Nr. 4. S. 541–562.