Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Bammer, Roswitha ; Dörfler, Monika. / Modifying signals in transform domain: a frame-based inverse problem. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-16). Hrsg. / Pavel Rajmic. Brno : Brno University of Technology, 2016. S. 23-30

Dimitrov, George ; Katzarkov, Ludmil. / Non-semistable Exceptional Objects in Hereditary Categories. in: International Mathematics Research Notices. 2016 ; Band 2016, Nr. 20. S. 6293-6377.

Neretin, Yurii. / On p-adic colligations and 'rational maps' of Bruhat-Tits trees. Geometric Methods in Physics 2016: XXXIV Workshop, Bialowieza, Poland, June 28 - July 4. Hrsg. / Piotr Kielanowski ; S. Twareque Ali ; Pierre Bieliavsky ; Anatol Odzijewicz ; Martin Schlichenmaier ; Theodore Voronov. Cham : Birkhäuser, 2016. S. 139-158

Araújo, Vítor ; Butterley, Oliver ; Varandas, Paulo. / Open sets of Axiom A flows with Exponentially Mixing Attractors. in: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2016 ; Band 144, Nr. 7. S. 2971-2984.

Davoli, Elisa ; Fonseca, Irene. / Periodic homogenization of integral energies under space-dependent differential constraints. in: Portugaliae Mathematica. 2016 ; Band 73, Nr. 4. S. 279-317.

Schmidt, Klaus ; Strasser, Gabriel. / Permutations of ℤ d with restricted movement. in: Studia Mathematica. 2016 ; Band 235, Nr. 2. S. 137-170.

Krattenthaler, Christian. / Plane partitions in the work of Richard Stanley and his school. The Mathematical Legacy of Richard P. Stanley. Hrsg. / Patricia Hersh ; Thomas Lam ; Pavlo Pylyavskyy ; Victor Reiner. Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, 2016. S. 231-262

Harrach, Christoph. / Poisson transforms for differential forms. in: Archivum Mathematicum. 2016 ; Band 52, Nr. 5. S. 303-311.

Sulzgruber, Robin. / Rational Shi tableaux and the skew length statistic. DMTCS Proceedings, 28th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (FPSAC 2016). Nancy, 2016. S. 1147-1158 (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science).

Parusinski, Adam ; Rainer, Armin. / Regularity of roots of polynomials. in: Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Annali. Classe di Scienze. 2016 ; Band 16, Nr. 2. S. 481-517.

Moens, Wolfgang. / Representing Lie algebras using approximations with nilpotent ideals. in: Journal of Lie Theory. 2016 ; Band 26, Nr. 1. S. 169-179.

Schneider, F. M. ; Esterhazy, S. ; Perugia, I. et al. / Resonant seismic wave interaction with acoustic cavities. 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential. Band 2016 European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, 2016. S. 1-5

Auzinger, Winfried ; Herfort, Wolfgang ; Hofstätter, Harald et al. / Setup of Order Conditions for Splitting Methods. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 18th International Workshop, CASC 2016, Bucharest, Romania, September 19-23, 2016, Proceedings. Hrsg. / Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov ; Vladimir P. Gerdt ; Wolfram Koepf ; Werner M. Seiler. Cham : Springer, 2016. S. 30-42 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 9890).

Auzinger, Winfried ; Hofstätter, Harald ; Koch, Othmar. / Symbolic Manipulation of Flows of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, with Application in the Analysis of Split-Step Time Integrators. Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 18th International Workshop, CASC 2016, Bucharest, Romania, September 19-23, 2016, Proceedings. Hrsg. / Vladimir P. Gerdt ; Wolfram Koepf ; Werner M. Seiler ; Evgenii V. Vorozhtsov. 1. Aufl. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016. S. 43-57 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 9890).

Friedrich, Manuel ; Piovano, Paolo ; Stefanelli, Ulisse. / The geometry of C60 : A rigorous approach via molecular mechanics. in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2016 ; Band 76, Nr. 5. S. 2009-2029.

Bemrose, Travis ; Casazza, Peter ; Gröchenig, Karlheinz et al. / Weaving frames. in: Operators and Matrices. 2016 ; Band 10, Nr. 4. S. 1093-1116.

Bauer, Martin ; Bruveris, Martins ; Michor, Peter. / Why use Sobolev metrics on the space of curves. Riemannian Computing in Computer Vision. Hrsg. / Pavan K. Turaga ; Anuj Srivastava. 1. Aufl. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2016. S. 233-255


Benci, Vieri ; Luperi Baglini, Lorenzo. / Generalized functions beyond distributions. in: Arabian Journal of Mathematics. 2015 ; Band 4, Nr. 4. S. 231–253.

Markowich, Peter ; Bardos, Claude ; Golse, Francois et al. / On the Classical Limit of the Schrödinger Equation. in: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. 2015 ; Band 35, Nr. 12. S. 5689 - 5709.

Martin, Alexandre. / Combination of universal spaces for proper actions. in: Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures. 2015 ; Band 10, Nr. 4. S. 803 - 820.

Stuhlmeier, Raphael. / Gerstner's Water Wave and Mass Transport. in: Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 2015 ; Band 17, Nr. 4. S. 761-767.

Komech, Alexander ; Merzon, A E ; Mendez, J.E. De la Paz. / Time-dependent scattering of generalized plane waves by a wedge. in: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2015 ; Band 38, Nr. 18. S. 4774-4785.

Kogelbauer, Florian. / Symmetric irrotational water waves are traveling waves. in: Journal of Differential Equations. 2015 ; Band 259, Nr. 10. S. 5271-5275.

Sasaki, Tatsuya ; Okada, Isamu ; Uchida, Satoshi et al. / Commitment to cooperation and peer punishment : Its evolution. in: games. 2015 ; Band 6, Nr. 4. S. 574-587.

Groechenig, Karlheinz ; Romero, Jose Luis ; Unnikrishnan, Jayakrishnan et al. / On minimal trajectories for mobile sampling of bandlimited fields. in: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2015 ; Band 39, Nr. 3. S. 487-510.

Auinger, Karl ; Volkov, Mikhail ; Luo, Yangfeng et al. / The finite basis problem for Kauffman monoids. in: Algebra Universalis. 2015 ; Band 74, Nr. 3-4. S. 333-350.