Publikationen der Fakultät Mathematik


Schmidt, Klaus ; Lind, Douglas. / Mahler’s Work and Algebraic Dynamical Systems. The Legacy of Kurt Mahler – A Mathematical Selecta. Hrsg. / Michael Baake ; Yann Bugeaud ; Michael Coons. Berlin : Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung, 2020. S. 57-77 (Documenta Mathematica).

Michor, Peter. / Manifolds of mappings for continuum mechanics. Geometric Continuum Mechanics. Hrsg. / Reuven Segev ; Marcelo Epstein. 1. Aufl. Cham : Birkhäuser, 2020. S. 3-75 (Advances in Mechanics and Mathematics, Band 43).

Elbau, Peter ; Ritsch-Marte, Monika ; Scherzer, Otmar et al. / Motion Reconstruction for Optical Tomography of Trapped Objects. in: Inverse Problems. 2020 ; Band 36, Nr. 4. S. 044004.

Berner, Julius ; Dablander, Markus ; Grohs, Philipp. / Numerically Solving Parametric Families of High-Dimensional Kolmogorov Partial Differential Equations via Deep Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2020, NeurIPS 2020, December 6-12, 2020, virtual. Hrsg. / H. Larochelle ; M. Ranzato ; R. Hadsell ; M.F. Balcan ; H. Lin. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2020. (Advances in neural information processing systems : ... proceedings of the ... conference, Band 33).

Rainer, Armin ; Schindl, Gerhard. / On the extension of Whitney ultrajets, II. in: Studia Mathematica. 2020 ; Band 250, Nr. 3. S. 283-295.

Neretin, Yurii. / On the group of spheromorphisms of a homogeneous non-locally finite tree. in: IZVESTIYA MATHEMATICS. 2020 ; Band 84, Nr. 6. S. 1161-1191.

Grohs, Philipp ; Koppensteiner, Sarah ; Rathmair, Martin. / Phase Retrieval: Uniqueness and Stability. in: SIAM Review. 2020 ; Band 62, Nr. 2. S. 301-350.

Bruin, Henk ; Cinc, Jernej ; Anusic, Ana. / Planar embeddings of chainable continua. in: Topology Proceedings. 2020 ; Band 56. S. 263–296.

Hare, Kathryn E. ; Hare, Kevin G. ; Troscheit, Sascha. / Quasi-doubling of self-similar measures with overlaps. in: Journal of Fractal Geometry. 2020 ; Band 7, Nr. 3. S. 233-270.

de Rancourt de Mimerand-Verny, Noé. / Ramsey theory without pigeonhole principle and the adversarial Ramsey principle. in: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2020 ; Band 373, Nr. 7. S. 5025-5056 .

Elbau, Peter ; Mindrinos, Leonidas ; Veselka, Leopold. / Reconstructing the Optical Parameters of a Layered Medium with Optical Coherence Elastography. Mathematical and Numerical Approaches for Multi-Wave Inverse Problems}. Hrsg. / Larisa Beilina ; Maïtine Bergounioux ; Michel Cristofol ; Anabela Da Silva ; Amelie Litman. Band 328 Springer, 2020. S. 105-126

Domes, Ferenc ; Montanher, Tiago de Morais ; Schichl, Hermann et al. / Rigorous global filtering methods with interval unions. Beyond Traditional Probabilistic Data Processing Techniques: Interval, Fuzzy, etc. Methods and Their Applications. Hrsg. / Olga Kosheleva ; Sergey P. Shary ; Gang Xiang ; Roman Zapatrin. Band 835 1. Aufl. Singapore : Springer, 2020. S. 249-267 (Studies in Computational Intelligence).

Zdomskyy, Lyubomyr. / Selection Principles in the Laver, Miller, and Sacks models. Centenary of the Borel conjecture. Hrsg. / Marion Scheepers ; Ondrej Zindulka. Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, 2020. S. 229-242 (Contemporary Mathematics (CONM), Band 755).

Nicolussi, Noema. / Strong isoperimetric inequality for tessellating quantum graphs. Discrete and Continuous Models in the Theory of Networks. 1. Aufl. Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2020. S. 271-290 (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, Band 281).

Novotna, Jarmila ; Ulovec, Andreas ; Moraova, Hana. / Teaching Mathematics to Migrant or Minority Students: Concept for Creating Materials. APLIMAT 2020 Proceedings: 19th Conference on Applied Mathematics. Bratislava, 2020. S. 834-841

Fischer, Ilse ; Konvalinka, Matjaz. / The first bijective proof of the Alternating Sign Matrix theorem. 31st International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2020). Hrsg. / Michael Drmota ; Clemens Heuberger. Dagstuhl : Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik GmbH, 2020. S. 12:1-12:12 (Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Band 159).

Cummings, James ; Hayut, Yair ; Magidor, Menachem et al. / The ineffable tree property and failure of the Singular cardinals hypothesis. in: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2020 ; Band 373, Nr. 8. S. 5937-5955 .

Miller, Benjamin ; Carroy, Raphael ; Soukup, Daniel Tamas. / The open dihypergraph dichotomy and the second level of the Borel hierarchy. Trends in set theory : Simon Fest : Conference in Honor of Simon Thomas's 60th Birthday, September 15-17, 2017, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey. Hrsg. / Samuel Coskey ; Grigor Sargsyan. Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, 2020. S. 1-20 (Contemporary Mathematics (CONM), Band 752).

Vidnyánszky, Zoltán ; Kalina, Kende ; Elekes, Márton et al. / The structure of random automorphisms of the rational numbers. in: Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2020 ; Band 250. S. 1-20.

Friedman, Sy-David ; Honzik, Radek ; Stejskalova, Sarka. / The tree property at ℵ ω +2 with a finite gap. in: Fundamenta Mathematicae. 2020 ; Band 251, Nr. 3. S. 219-244.


Groechenig, Karlheinz ; Haimi, Antti ; Ortega-Cerda, Joaquim et al. / Strict density inequalities for sampling and interpolation in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions. in: Journal of Functional Analysis. 2019 ; Band 277, Nr. 12.