Thermodynamics of AdS black holes: Critical behaviour of the central charge

25.11.2021 14:00 - 15:00

Wan Cong (University of Vienna)

Black holes have been accepted as thermodynamic systems ever since Hawking’s discovery of black hole radiation. The thermodynamic phase space of AdS black holes has been extended to include a P-V term in [1]. By studying the equation of state of AdS black holes in this extended phase space, many interesting phase transitions were found; a prominent example is the Van der Waals like small-to-large phase transition of charged AdS black holes which takes place below a critical pressure [2]. Recently, Visser reconsidered the situation in the context of holography [3]. While the natural unit G=1 was kept in previous studies, Visser argued that considering variations of G is necessary to achieve a duality between the bulk and boundary thermodynamic first laws. I will briefly review his argument, and rewrite the bulk first law in a new form containing both variations of P and C, the central charge of the dual CFT. This leads to a new understanding of the Van der Waals behaviour of charged AdS black holes, where the phase changes are now governed by C instead of P.
[1] D. Kastor, S. Ray and J. Traschen, Enthalpy and the Mechanics of AdS Black Holes, Class. Quant. Grav. 26 (2009) 195011, [0904.2765].
[2] D. Kubiznak and R. B. Mann, P-V criticality of charged AdS black holes, JHEP 07 (2012) 033, [1205.0559].
[3] M. Visser, Holographic Thermodynamics Requires a Chemical Potential for Color, [2101.04145].

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