Szego kernel asymptotics in CR geometry

17.03.2025 11:00 - 13:00

Chin-Yu Hsiao (National Taiwan University)

The study of the Szego kernel is an important topic in several complex variables and CR geometry. In 1976, Boutet de Monvel and Sjoestrand proved that the Szego kernel on an embeddable strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold is a complex Fourier integral operator. This result has significant applications in various fields, including complex geometry and geometric quantization. In this talk, I will first review the work of Boutet de Monvel and Sjoestrand and briefly introduce their methods, and then present my work in this direction, such as the Szego kernel asymptotics when the manifold is not strictly pseudoconvex and the group invariant Szego kernel asymptotics.

Luke Edholm