Representations of affine quantum groups and equivariant homology of affine Grassmannians

21.05.2024 13:15 - 14:45

Elie Casbi (Northeastern U)

Let \(G\) be a semisimple  complex Lie group and \(N\) a maximal unipotent subgroup of \(G\).  In their study of the equivariant homology of the affine Grassmannian \(Gr_{G^{\vee}}\), Baumann-Kamnitzer-Knutson introduced an algebraic morphism \(\bar D\) on the coordinate ring \(\mathbb{C}[N]\) providing a powerful tool to compare distinguished bases of this algebra, such as the Mirković-Vilonen basis arising from the geometric Satake correspondence.
      In this talk we will focus on the simply-laced case and present an alternative description of \(\bar D\) proposed in a joint work with Jian-Rong Li, that relies on Hernandez-Leclerc's categorification of the cluster structure of  \(\mathbb{C}[N]\) via finite-dimensional representations of affine quantum groups. We will then present a work in progress (also joint with Jian-Rong Li) aiming to establish a large family of non-trivial rational identities obtained by applying our construction to Frenkel-Reshetikhin's \(q\)-characters. If time allows, we will discuss possible interpretations of these identities in terms of equivariant homology, raising the question of natural geometric models associated to representations of affine quantum groups.


H. Grobner, A. Minguez-Espallargas, A. Mellit


BZ 9, 9. OG, OMP1