Random periodic sampling sets and multi-tiling

21.04.2023 09:45 - 11:15

Diana Carbajal (University of Vienna)

The study of the existence of Riesz bases of exponentials has attracted considerable attention and it is still a very active research area. The main motivation behind this study is that the frequency set of such bases provides complete interpolating sequences for Paley-Wiener spaces. One important line of research considers the spectrum sets with the property of multi-tiling the space along translations of a lattice. It has been proved –by multiple authors, and with different approaches– that such sets admit a Riesz basis of exponentials whose frequency set is a finite union of translations of another lattice (the dual). The multi-tiling level determines the number of translations. However, these proofs only establish the existence of such bases and do not provide explicit stability bounds.

In this talk, we present a probabilistic approach to the problem. In particular, we show that taking O(k log k) random samples within [-1/2,1/2]^d and its periodizations is sufficient to construct a sampling set for the Paley-Wiener space of a union of k integer translations of the unitary cube with high probability, providingexplicit stability bounds. We obtain this result as a corollary of a random periodic sampling theorem for shift-invariant spaces generated by localized atoms with essentially disjoint frequency support.The talk is based on ongoing work in collaboration with Jorge Antezana and José Luis Romero.



K. Gröchenig, L. Liehr, J. L. Romero and I. Shafkulovska
SR11 (second floor)