Nonlocal-to-local characterization of antisymmetric exchange in Micromagnetics

03.05.2023 15:00 - 15:30

Rossella Giorgio (TU Wien; Medical University of Vienna)

Abstract: Nonlocal models are subject of broadening interest in applied mathematics, due to their capability of describing complex materials behaviour and microstructure formation phenomena, as well as different geometric scales, while remaining close to experimental results. Such nonlocal models can be fruitfully applied for depicting magnetic phenomena and their multiscale nature.
In this talk, with a similar approach to the well-known Bourgain—Brezis—Mironescu formula, we introduce nonlocal antisymmetric interaction energies which act as approximations of the Dzyaloshinskii—Moriya interaction, and we analyze their local asyntotics. (This is joint work with E. Davoli and G. Di Fratta.)

SFB 65

HS 2, EG, OMP 1

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