New higher-spin topological systems in 3D

06.06.2023 14:00 - 15:00

Nicolas Boulanger (UMONS)

Motivated by the generation of action principles from off-shell dualisation, we present a general class of free, topological theories in three dimensions that exhibit higher-spin gauge invariance.
In the spin-2 case, we recover the triplet system already known before. The higher-spin systems that we obtain, on the other hand, seem to be new.
We show that the flat limit of our action around (A)dS_3 background gives rise to a one-parameter family of inequivalent actions in Minkowski space, whose non-Abelian deformations are studied.

S. Fredenhagen, D. Grumiller, E. Batista, R. Ruzziconi

Fakultät für Physik, Erwin Schrödinger-Hörsaal, Boltzmanng. 5, 5. St., 1090 Wien