Moduli Spaces in Algebraic Geometry

28.06.2017 16:15 - 17:00

David Smyth (Australian National Univ.)

A basic aim of complex algebraic geometry is to describe and classify the shapes that arise as the solution sets of systems of polynomials equations. I will give a historical overview of various ways in which this aim has been interpreted over the years, culminating in a discussion of the fundamental problem of constructing and compactifying moduli spaces of polarized complex projective algebraic varieties. Finally, I will describe some specific open questions about the moduli space of projective algebraic curves (or compact Riemann surfaces). No prior knowledge of algebraic geometry will be assumed, and all are warmly encouraged to attend!  

M. Eichmair, Ch. Krattenthaler

Sky Lounge, 12. OG, OMP 1