Mathematically tractable models for modern phylogenetics

16.03.2022 15:00 - 15:45

Francois Bienvenu (ETH Zürich)


Abstract: Phylogenies (that is, the evolutionary relationships between species) are traditionally represented using trees, and the long-shared interest of mathematicians and biologists in these structures has been very fruitful for both communities. However, by revealing the importance of phenomena once thought to play a minor role in evolution, such as hybridization or lateral gene transfers, the genomic revolution of the past decade has brought a change of paradigm in evolutionary biology. To make sense of data, biologists are more and more frequently forced to turn away from trees. As a result of this, there is currently, at a fundamental level, a lack of mathematical tools to tackle the problems of modern phylogenetics. In this talk, I will explain how my past and future research aims at filling this gap, in collaboration with biologists and mathematicians.


R. I. Boţ

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