As pointed out by Einstein, and confirmed by the violation of Bell’s inequalities, entanglement of
separated particles is an extraordinary feature of quantum mechanics, suggesting some kind of non-
locality. It is now used in quantum technologies.
After recalling what are Bell’s inequalities and their experimental tests, I will show how the notion
of non-locality provides fruitful intuitions for some quantum communication methods.
In the evening of 21 June, there will be a symposium in the Skylounge,
co-organized by the "Inst CNRS Pauli" and the "Institut Francais"
see https://www.wpi.ac.at/activities_view.php?s=event
In case you are interested in participating in the "round table + public discussion" on
inter-disciplinary & inter-national aspects of quantum physics,
please "register" by e-mail to mauser@courant.nyu.edu.