From 3D to 1D, “cigar shaped” Bose Einstein Condensates: Dimension reduction by a separation ansatz and numerical methods

23.03.2022 14:00 - 14:30

Peter Allmer (University of Vienna)

Abstract: We derive a 1-d Gross Pitaevskii equation (GPE) as an approximation of the GPE in 3 space dimensions describing "cigar shaped" Bose Einstein condensates with strong confinement by a harmonic oscillator trapping potential in transversal direction via a generalized separation ansatz for the wavefunction. We revise the approach with an ansatz like in Salasnich et al and work out the correction terms of an "extended NonPolynomial Schrödinger Equation" (eNPSE). The central topic of this talk is the analysis of the deviations of the two models in different parameter regimes based on numerical simulations.


SFB 65, DK

Zoom Meeting