Fluctuations around the mean-field limit

15.12.2021 15:00 - 15:30

Alexandra Holzinger (TU Wien)

Abstract: Mean-field limits have become an important tool in order to show convergence of a stochastic particle system to a partial differential equation if the number of particles N becomes large.
From a modeling point of view, it is natural to ask about the error we make if we approximate the particle system by the limiting PDE. Studying the corresponding fluctuations ηN := eNN - p) for eN → ∞ as N → ∞ (where μN denotes the random empirical measure process of our particle dynamics and p denotes the solution to the PDE) means studying the 'next order corrections' of our mean-field approximation.
If we can show for a certain scaling of eN that the fluctuations converge to a Gaussian process this can be seen as analogue to the 'Central Limit Theorem'. In this talk I will give a general introduction to fluctuations in the mean-field setting and explain open problems which we want to solve in an ongoing work.


SFB 65, DK

Zoom Meeting