Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation

08.10.2021 14:00 - 16:00

Arvin Lamando, Lucas Teyssier, Jakob Reiffenstein, Luigi Roberti

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Meeting ID: 946 2987 1581
Passcode: 027340

14:00 Arvin Lamando: "Continuous Fields of Equivalence Bimodules for Varied Time-Frequency Systems"
            Advisor: P. Balazs
14:30 Lucas Teyssier: "Mixing and cover time profiles for random walks on graphs"
             Advisor: N. Berestycki
15:00 Jakob Reiffenstein: "Towards determining the distribution of the spectrum of a canonical system"
            Advisor: O. Kostenko
15:30 Luigi Roberti: "Mathematical aspects of geophysical fluid flows"
            Advisor: A. Constantin

A. Cap
Zoom Meeting