Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation

18.03.2022 13:00 - 16:00

Daniel Bäumer, Andrea Caldiroli, Matteo Calisti, David Hulett, Buris Tongnoi, Kevin Weigl

13:00: Andrea Caldiroli: "Implementation of IMEX-RK schemes for stellar convection in the Eddington approximation", Advisors: N. Mauser, F. Kupka.
13:30: David Hulett: "Continuous-time approaches to monotone inclusions", Advisor: R. Bot
14:00: Buris Tongnoi: "Resolvent splitting methods for monotone inclusions and optimization problems", Advisor: E. Csetnek
14:30: Daniel Bäumer: "Extensions of classical atmospheric flow models and their boundary layers: incorporating moisture and precipitation", Advisor: S. Hittmeir.
15:00: Matteo Calisti: "Curvature-dimension bounds in synthetic Lorentzian geometry", Advisor: R. Steinbauer.
15:30: Kevin Weigl: "Describing the irreducible components of the parabolic global nilpotent cone", Advisor: A. Mellit.


A. Cap
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