Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation

17.03.2022 14:00 - 16:00

Seamus Albion, Andres Lerma Pineda, Francesca Primavera, Felix Rott

14:00: Andres Lerma Pineda: "Deep Neural Network-Based Solutions of inverse problems", Advisor: Philipp Petersen.
14:30: Francesca Primavera: "Signature based models in finance and their connections
to affine and polynomial processes", Advisor: C. Cuchiero
15:00: Seamus Albion: "Cores and Quotients in the Thoery of Symmetric Functions", Advisor: Christian Krattenthaler
15:30: Felix Rott: "Gluing constructions for Lorentzian length spaces", Advisor: M. Kunzinger


A. Cap
Zoom Meeting