Distribution of the Hessian values of Gaussian hypergeometric functions.

18.07.2024 09:30 - 10:30

Dr. Neelam Saikia (IIT Bhubaneswar, India)

In this talk we consider a special family of Gaussian hypergeometric functions whose entries are cubic and trivial characters over finite fields. The special values of these functions are known to give the Frobenius traces of families of Hessian elliptic curves. Using the theory of harmonic Maass forms and mock modular forms, we show that the limiting distribution of these values is semi-circular, confirming the usual Sato-Tate distribution in this setting. This is a joint work with Ken Ono, Sudhir Pujahari and Hasan Saad.


SR 12, 2. OG, OMP 1