Covariant Lagrangians for (twisted) self-duality equations of (non-)chiral p-forms and their Abelian interactions

09.05.2023 14:00 - 15:00

Karapet Mkrtchyan

Abstract: We present a covariant Lagrangian formulation for p-form fields in Minkowski spaces of arbitrary dimensions that treat electric and magnetic degrees of freedom on equal footing.
This formulation allows the inclusion of arbitrary abelian self-interactions. In d=4k+2, we cover all abelian self-interactions of a chiral (self-dual) 2k-form, the most interesting example being d=6 (we also comment on d=2 and 10), where the general abelian self-interactions are parametrized by a function of one variable. For d=4k, we cover all abelian self-interactions of (2k-1)-forms, including those with SO(2) duality symmetry. For d=4, we give a simple democratic actionfor arbitrary non-linear electrodynamics involving an arbitrary function of two variables and its duality symmetric subclass manifesting SO(2) symmetry, parametrized by a function of one variable.
This construction, in particular, covers all interesting examples in the literature.

TU Wien und Mathematische Physik
TU Wien, Freihaus, 5. OG, Seminarraum DA grün 05, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8, 1040 Wien