Convergence of critical points for a phase-field approximation of cohesive fracture energies

26.04.2023 14:00 - 14:45

Marco Bonacini (University of Trento)

Abstract: Variational models for cohesive fracture are based on the idea that the fracture energy is released gradually as the crack opening grows. Recently Conti, Focardi and Iurlano proposed a variational approximation via Gamma-convergence of a class of cohesive fracture energies by a phase-field model of the generalized Ambrosio-Tortorelli type, which may be also used as regularization for numerical simulations. In this talk, based on a joint work with Flaviana Iurlano, I will address the question of the asymptotic behaviour of critical points of the phase-field energies in a simplified one-dimensional setting.


SFB 65, DK

TU Wien, EI 4 Reithoffer HS, 2. OG, Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien