Constructing new partially hyperbolic systems through h-transversality

28.09.2023 15:00 - 17:00

Andy Hammerlindl (Monash U)

The time-one map of an Anosov flow is a classic example of a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism. Other classic examples include skew-product and certains algebraic maps. For a long time, these examples and their perturbations were the only known examples of partially hyperbolic. However, the situation has changed considerably in recent years and we now know of new ways to construct partially hyperbolic. In this talk, I will explain one such method, called "h-transversality" to compose together existing partially hyperbolic maps into new examples. This is joint work with C. Bonatti, A. Gogolyev, and R. Potrie.


H. Bruin, R. Zweimüller


BZ 9, 9. OG, OMP1