Avdonin's theorem on Riesz bases of exponentials

03.06.2024 15:00 - 16:30

Lukas Liehr (University of Vienna)

Avdonin's theorem constitutes a seminal finding in the study of Riesz bases of exponentials, and is extensively used also in recent contributions to the problem. The primary objective of this talk is to deliver a comprehensive and self-contained proof of Avdonin's theorem. Moreover, various corollaries stemming from Avdonin's theorem will be discussed, including results by Levin, Golovin, Katsnelson, and Kadec.

Reference: S. A. Avdonin, On the question of Riesz bases of exponential functions in L^2, Vestnik Leningrad Univ. Math. 7 (1979).


K. Gröchenig and I. Shafkulovska
SR9 (2nd floor)