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Carrollian Physics and Holography
Transport Properties in Soft Matter Systems
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Transport Properties in Soft Matter Systems
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Transport Properties in Soft Matter Systems
Tree-indexed Catalan sums
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Transport Properties in Soft Matter Systems
Degree Growth of Holonomic Polynomial Sequences and Applications
Degree Growth of Holonomic Polynomial Sequences and Applications
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Fluctuations of determinantal processes in the plane
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Donaldson–Thomas invariants for the Bridgeland–Smith correspondence
Mapping tori of groups: hyperbolicity, cubulability and related aspects
Introduction on reduced basis methods for parametric PDEs
Badly approximable vectors and best approximation
Reduced order modelling in CFD: state of the art, perspectives and challenges
Dark Matter, Bound States and Unitarity
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Dirichlet spaces with distribution-valued Ricci bounds
When measures don't care about structure (and when they do)
Enabling approaches for real-time deployment, calibration, and UQ for digital twins governed by PDEs
Weighing spacetime along the line of sight using times of arrival of electromagnetic signals
On optimal adaptivity for semilinear elliptic PDEs
An implicit function theorem for neural networks
Discrete or continuous?
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Perturbation Theory of Polynomials and Linear Operators
Definable well-orderings of a large continuum
On automorphis group of shift spaces
On automorphis group of shift spaces
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Benedicks-type uncertainty principle for metaplectic time-frequency representations
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Von Neumann stability analysis
Recent advances in randomized sketching
Wave optical image formation of exact scalar wave scattering in Kerr-de Sitter spacetime
Calabi-Yau motives and their Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer volumes
Uniform growth in small cancellation groups
Bestimmung der Nullstellen nichtlinearer Gleichungen
Combinatorics of nondeterministic walks
Challenges in Numerical Computation of Complex Compressible Flows
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Differentially closed fields and their automorphisms
Numerical methods and machine learning in computational micromagnetism
The Case Against Smooth Null Infinity and the Persistence of Polyhomogeneity
Stochastic McKean-Vlasov control problems: a description based on optimal transport
When optimising makes no sense: towards a new criterion for rationality
Refined properties of the heat flow: entropy dissipation and geometry of the solutions
Monotone generative modeling via a geometry-preserving mapping
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Syzygies Between the Partial Derivatives of a Polynomial with Applications to Singular Cohomology
Generic embeddings into Fraïssé structures
Loop-O(n) quadrangulations with mixed boundary conditions
Countable spaces and realcompactness
"Sexism in academia: how to recognize it? how to fight it?"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Avdonin's theorem on Riesz bases of exponentials [Cancelled]
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Motivic distribution of curves
Introduction to Numerical Integration
Crafting Finite Element Methods for Fluids, Stars and Efficiency
Broadcasting-induced colorings of preferential attachment trees
Inclusive semileptonic B-meson decays and CKM matrix determinations: challenges and theoretical framework(s)
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Fluid Flows Analysis and Modelling
Reconstructing an ω-categorical structure from its endomorphism monoid
Transcendence in Algebra and Analysis
Phase separation on varying surfaces and convergence of diffuse interface approximations
Static 3+1 vacuum black holes that cannot be put into stationary rotation
Parameter-robust convergence and optimal complexity of AFEM
Carrollian Physics and Holography
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Baumgartner's Axiom and Cardinal Characteristics: A Sparse Look at Dense Sets of Reals
Polynomial Interpolation and Least Squares Approximation
Optimal State and Parameter Estimation Algorithms
Banach spaces as metric model-theoretical structures
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Die Finite Differenzen Methode
On large interacting particle systems, optimal transport and inverse problems
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"
Nonlinear Waves and Relativity
Density conditions for coherent state subsystems
Nonlinear Waves and Relativity
Hilbert schemes of points on affine space of dimension < 5
Characterization of rational SCFTs: Complex Multiplication, Mirror Symmetry and Hodge Theory
informal research discussion
An Introduction to Finite Element Error Analysis
Automorphic Mappings and Congruence Families
PDEs and Data
New Higgses at the Electroweak Scale and differential top quark distributions
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02.04.2024 09:00

Carrollian Physics and Holography


08.04.2024 15:00

Lecture Series by Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig): "Automorphic forms and L-functions: Theory and applications"

Dr. Abhiram M Kidambi (MPI MIS, Leipzig, ESI Junior Research Fellow)