Event Kalender
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||
6 |
When are two Banach spaces C(K) and C(L) the same?
Fuglede's conjecture for a union of two intervals
Machine learning approach to duality in statistical physics
Separated variables on plane algebraic curves
Minkowski Endomorphisms
Mathematisches Kolloquium: Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model
Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model
A new way of looking at high-dimensional lattice models
Forcing on coding trees
An introduction to the Lean proof assistant for mathematicians
Infinite structural Ramsey theory and logic
10 | 11 | 12 |
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Fast continuous and discrete time approaches for smooth and nonsmooth optimization featuring time scaling and Tikhonov regularization
On inclusion relations between weighted spaces of entire functions
Lengths spectra of triangulated categories
The injectivity of ReLU layers and other non-linear measurements
Mathematical Insights into Density Functional Theory functional theory
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Unimodular lattices and the cuspidal cohomology of \(GL_n(\mathbb{Z})\)
Topological features in lattice models
Almost periodic measures and rotation number of the Schrödinger operator
Random permutations, word maps and Schreier graph expansion
The quality/cosmology tension for a post-inflationary QCD axion
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Vienna-Budapest Workshop on Optimization Vienna, January 15-17, 2025
Stability of volume-preserving flows in the flat torus
PQG-DL-Ekman: a triple-deck boundary layer theory for large-scale moist atmospheric flow
Stability of spatially homogeneous equilibria of the linearized Vicsek-BGK equation
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Vienna-Budapest Workshop on Optimization Vienna, January 15-17, 2025
Universal \(\Delta\)-metric spaces, Hall's group and Lévy groups
Limiting results and large deviation principles for Poisson cluster processes
Phase transition for the Discrete Non Linear Schrödinger Equation (DNLS) in Three Dimensions and Higher.
Discrete and continuous translational monotilings
Superlinear convergence for interior-point methods in parabolic target space
Statistic properties of open dynamical systems
Mathematik und Musik — Können wir Formen hören?
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Vienna-Budapest Workshop on Optimization Vienna, January 15-17, 2025
Integrated local energy decay estimates for solutions to the wave equation in the black hole exterior of sub-extremal Reissner-Nordström-de Sitter spacetimes
Physics Informed Machine Learning in the Field of Micromagnetism
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
An introduction to pluripotential theory I
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
On the duality between sampling and interpolation
Anticyclotomic \(p\)-adic L-functions for \(U(n) \times U(n+1)\)
Foams and KZ-equations in Rozansky-Witten theories
Combinatorial problems arising from representation theory of GL_n over a p-adic field
Probing interacting dark sectors with cosmology
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Aggregation-diffusion equations with saturation
Remarkable symmetries of rotating black holes
Structure recovery from a geometric and probabilistic perspective
Sharp interface limit for solid-solid phase transitions in heterogeneous media
Approximation of Solution Operators of PDEs with Neural Networks
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Rearrangement & subseries numbers
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Non-smooth Lorentzian Geometry: Impulsive gravitational waves and Ricci curvature bounds
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
Operator Quantization and Deformation on the Heisenberg Modules
An introduction to pluripotential theory II
On the law of random nodal volumes
Pirogov--Sinai Theory Beyond Lattices
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation
Irrationality and reduction modulo 2
Hamiltonian learning via energy-entropy inequalities
Constructing Quantum Logic Gates through the Theory of Automorphic Representation
Cohomology of perfect Lie algebras and partitions
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Social Networks: How to Model Them (and Us Within Them)
Discrete-to-continuum limits of optimal transport with linear growth on periodic graphs
Fourier uniqueness pairs, interpolation, and extremal problems
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
Gromov-Hausdorff Distance and Gromov Compactness in Lorentzian Length Spaces
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07.01.2025 09:45
When are two Banach spaces C(K) and C(L) the same?
07.01.2025 11:30
Fuglede's conjecture for a union of two intervals
07.01.2025 14:00
Machine learning approach to duality in statistical physics
07.01.2025 15:00
Separated variables on plane algebraic curves
08.01.2025 11:30
Minkowski Endomorphisms
08.01.2025 15:15
Critical phenomena through the lens of the Ising model
08.01.2025 16:45
A new way of looking at high-dimensional lattice models
09.01.2025 11:30
Forcing on coding trees
09.01.2025 13:15
An introduction to the Lean proof assistant for mathematicians
09.01.2025 15:00
Infinite structural Ramsey theory and logic
13.01.2025 09:00
Infinite-dimensional Geometry: Theory and Applications
13.01.2025 09:30
Fast continuous and discrete time approaches for smooth and nonsmooth optimization featuring time scaling and Tikhonov regularization
13.01.2025 12:00
On inclusion relations between weighted spaces of entire functions
13.01.2025 13:15
Lengths spectra of triangulated categories
13.01.2025 15:30
The injectivity of ReLU layers and other non-linear measurements
14.01.2025 14:00
Topological features in lattice models
14.01.2025 15:00
Random permutations, word maps and Schreier graph expansion
14.01.2025 16:15
The quality/cosmology tension for a post-inflationary QCD axion
15.01.2025 09:50
Vienna-Budapest Workshop on Optimization Vienna, January 15-17, 2025
15.01.2025 14:00
Stability of volume-preserving flows in the flat torus
15.01.2025 15:00
PQG-DL-Ekman: a triple-deck boundary layer theory for large-scale moist atmospheric flow
15.01.2025 15:30
Stability of spatially homogeneous equilibria of the linearized Vicsek-BGK equation
16.01.2025 11:30
Universal \(\Delta\)-metric spaces, Hall's group and Lévy groups
16.01.2025 14:30
Phase transition for the Discrete Non Linear Schrödinger Equation (DNLS) in Three Dimensions and Higher.
16.01.2025 15:00
Discrete and continuous translational monotilings
16.01.2025 16:15
Statistic properties of open dynamical systems
16.01.2025 18:00
Mathematik und Musik — Können wir Formen hören?
17.01.2025 15:00
Physics Informed Machine Learning in the Field of Micromagnetism
20.01.2025 12:00
An introduction to pluripotential theory I
20.01.2025 13:15
Tropical intersection theory on moduli spaces of marked curves I-II
21.01.2025 11:30
On the duality between sampling and interpolation
21.01.2025 13:15
Anticyclotomic \(p\)-adic L-functions for \(U(n) \times U(n+1)\)
21.01.2025 14:00
Foams and KZ-equations in Rozansky-Witten theories
21.01.2025 15:00
Combinatorial problems arising from representation theory of GL_n over a p-adic field
21.01.2025 16:15
Probing interacting dark sectors with cosmology
22.01.2025 14:00
Aggregation-diffusion equations with saturation
22.01.2025 14:15
Remarkable symmetries of rotating black holes
22.01.2025 14:45
Structure recovery from a geometric and probabilistic perspective
22.01.2025 15:30
Approximation of Solution Operators of PDEs with Neural Networks
23.01.2025 11:30
Rearrangement & subseries numbers
24.01.2025 09:45
Non-smooth Lorentzian Geometry: Impulsive gravitational waves and Ricci curvature bounds
27.01.2025 09:15
Operator Quantization and Deformation on the Heisenberg Modules
27.01.2025 12:00
An introduction to pluripotential theory II
27.01.2025 15:45
On the law of random nodal volumes
27.01.2025 17:00
Pirogov--Sinai Theory Beyond Lattices
28.01.2025 11:30
Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation
28.01.2025 13:15
Irrationality and reduction modulo 2
28.01.2025 14:30
Hamiltonian learning via energy-entropy inequalities
28.01.2025 15:00
Cohomology of perfect Lie algebras and partitions
29.01.2025 14:00
Social Networks: How to Model Them (and Us Within Them)
29.01.2025 15:00
Discrete-to-continuum limits of optimal transport with linear growth on periodic graphs
29.01.2025 15:15