Event Kalender
Mo | Di | Mi | Do | Fr | Sa | So |
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2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
The sphere packing problem in dimension 8 - Maryna Viazovska's proof
Hilbert schemes of singular surfaces and representations of quantum algebras
The anti-Unruh effect in black hole spacetimes
A weak form of Global Choice under the GCH, part I
Counterexamples to the Zassenhaus conjecture on simple modular Lie algebras
The cosmological constant, anomalies and an emergent Standard Model
Mean-field optimal control in leader-follower dynamics
Stickiness phenomena of nonlocal minimal surfaces
SLE, energy duality, and foliations by Weil-Petersson quasicircles
Aggregation models with multiple sources on fractals
Longest increasing subsequences in uniform separable permutations
Order-preserving Martin's Conjecture
Obstruction-free gluing for the Einstein equations
From diamonds to length spectrum rigidity
Typicality of finite complexity in planar dispersing billiards
On some dynamical systems of number-theoretic origin
14 | 15 |
Phase Retrieval and System Identification in Dynamical Sampling
Dain's invariant for black hole initial data
Hodge-to-singular correspondence
Anomalous and axial Z' contributions to g-2
A weak form of Global Choice under the GCH, part II
Hyperlinearity versus flexible Hilbert Schmidt stability for property (T) groups
Universal character factorisations
Precision Standard Model Phenomenology at N3LO and beyond
Landau damping for a point charge in interaction with a screened Vlasov–Poisson plasma
An inverse problem to the radiative transfer equation and instability estimates in the diffusion regime
The zoo of continued fractions, which animals have matching?
Instability of a massless scalar field confined in a perfectly reflecting spherical cavity
doc.schools meet arts: Science and Art – a desirable symbiosis?
Sub-Leading and Super-Leading Logarithms in Jet Processes
21 | 22 |
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Frames via Unilateral Iterations of Bounded Operators
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Enumerative mirror symmetry for moduli spaces of Higgs bundles
Elements of Celestial Conformal Field Theory
Thick embeddings of graphs into symmetric spaces
Universal coefficient asymptotics of solutions to positive catalytic equations
An MCMC Revision of the Universal Texture Zero of Flavor
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
A fluid-structure interaction problem with elastic contact
QTT compression of a symplectic Hamiltonian finite element method for the acoustic wave equation
Homogenization of multiphase layered materials with rigid components in single-slip finite crystal plasticity
Adaptive Image Processing
Double point singularities, partitions and Lie algebras
Branching random walk with non-local competition
BPHZ Renormalisation in Regularity Structures via Spectral Gap
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Universality in bootstrap percolation and kinetically constrained models
Lang-Weil type bounds in finite difference fields
Rough Volatility Modeling and Portfolio Optimization
Gluing small black holes into initial data sets
Interacting particles and market capitalization curves
Volumes in a nutshell or „One way to teach your computer to produce (hopefully) nice graphics for your partial differential equation"
On the log-concavity of the Mittag-Leffler distribution
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Torsion-free S-adic shifts and their spectrum
Mathematical modelling and simulation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transitions leading to cell migration
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities, Quadrature, and Approximation of Functions
Optimization Foundations of Reinforcement Learning
An SL_4 web basis
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17.01.2023 12:00
Dain's invariant for black hole initial data
17.01.2023 13:15
Hodge-to-singular correspondence
17.01.2023 14:00
Anomalous and axial Z' contributions to g-2
17.01.2023 15:00
A weak form of Global Choice under the GCH, part II
17.01.2023 15:15
Universal character factorisations
17.01.2023 16:15