Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics

Showing entries 1001 - 1050 out of 4900


Müller, Sandra ; Lücke, Philipp. / CLOSURE PROPERTIES OF MEASURABLE ULTRAPOWERS. In: Journal of Symbolic Logic. 2021 ; Vol. 86, No. 2. pp. 762-784.

Jego, Antoine. / Critical Brownian multiplicative chaos. In: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2021 ; Vol. 180, No. 1-2. pp. 495-552.

Zhang, Fan ; Breger, Anna ; Cho, Kang Ik Kevin et al. / Deep Learning Based Segmentation of Brain Tissue from Diffusion MRI. In: NeuroImage. 2021 ; Vol. 233, No. 4.

Eskew, Monroe ; Hayut, Yair. / Global Chang's Conjecture and singular cardinals. In: European Journal of Mathematics. 2021 ; Vol. 7, No. 2. pp. 435–463.

Lukina, Olga ; Hurder, Steven. / Limit group invariants for non-free Cantor actions. In: Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 2021 ; Vol. 41, No. 6. pp. 1751-1794.

Bot, Radu Ioan ; Mertikopoulos, Panayotis ; Staudigl, Mathias et al. / Minibatch Forward-Backward-Forward Methods for solving Stochastic Variational inequalities. In: Stochastic Systems. 2021 ; Vol. 11, No. 2. pp. 112-139.

Gubarev, Vsevolod. / Rota-Baxter operators and Bernoulli polynomials. In: Communications in Mathematics. 2021 ; Vol. 29, No. 1. pp. 1-14.

Gubarev, Vsevolod. / Rota-Baxter operators on unital algebras. In: Moscow Mathematical Journal. 2021 ; Vol. 21, No. 2. pp. 325–364.

Cummings, James ; Hayut, Yair ; Magidor, Menachem et al. / THE TREE PROPERTY AT THE TWO IMMEDIATE SUCCESSORS OF A SINGULAR CARDINAL. In: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 2021 ; Vol. 86, No. 2. pp. 600-608.

Tu, Wei-Lin ; Wu, Huan-Kuang ; Schuch, Norbert et al. / Generating function for tensor network diagrammatic summation. In: Physical Review B. 2021 ; Vol. 103, No. 20. pp. 205155-1 - 205155-6.

Boccardo, Lucio ; Buccheri, Stefano. / A nonlinear homotopy between two linear Dirichlet problems. In: Revista Matematica Complutense. 2021 ; Vol. 34, No. 2. pp. 541-558.

Bétermin, Laurent ; Petrache, Mircea ; De Luca, Lucia. / Crystallization to the square lattice for a two-body potential. In: Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis. 2021 ; Vol. 240, No. 2. pp. 987–1053.

Elbrächter, Dennis ; Perekrestenko, Dmytro ; Grohs, Philipp et al. / Deep Neural Network Approximation Theory. In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. 2021 ; Vol. 67, No. 5. pp. 2581-2623.

Fischer, Vera ; Schrittesser, David ; Weinert, Thilo Volker. / Definable MAD families and forcing axioms. In: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2021 ; Vol. 172, No. 5.

Hahn, Oliver ; Rampf, Cornelius ; Uhlemann, Cora. / Higher-order initial conditions for mixed baryon-CDM simulations. In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 ; Vol. 503, No. 1. pp. 426-445.

Groeger, Maik ; Lukina, Olga. / Measures and stabilizers of group Cantor actions. In: Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A. 2021 ; Vol. 41, No. 5. pp. 2001-2029.

Stücker, Jens ; Schmidt, Andreas S. ; White, Simon D. M. et al. / Measuring the tidal response of structure Formation: Anisotropic separate universe simulations using TreePM. In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 2021 ; Vol. 503, No. 1. pp. 1473-1489.

Schindl, Gerhard ; Jornet, David ; Boiti, Chiara et al. / Nuclearity of rapidly decreasing ultradifferentiable functions and time-frequency Analysis. In: Collectanea Mathematica. 2021 ; Vol. 72, No. 2. pp. 423–442.

Szep, Eniko ; Sachdeva, Himani ; Barton, Nick . / Polygenic local adaptation in metapopulations: a stochastic eco-evolutionary model. In: Evolution. 2021 ; Vol. 75, No. 5. pp. 1030-1045.

Jaming, Philippe ; Negreira, Felipe ; Romero, José Luis. / The Nyquist sampling rate for spiraling curves. In: Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis. 2021 ; Vol. 52. pp. 198-230.

Crowdy, D.G. ; Nelson, R.B. ; Krishnamurthy, V.S. / ‘H-states’: exact solutions for a rotating hollow vortex. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2021 ; Vol. 913.

Hackenbroich, Anna ; Hudomal, Ana ; Schuch, Norbert et al. / Fractional chiral hinge insulator. In: Physical Review B. 2021 ; Vol. 103, No. 16.

Cuchiero, Christa ; Papariello-Svaluto-Ferro, Sara. / Infinite dimensional polynomial processes. In: Finance and Stochastics. 2021 ; Vol. 25, No. 2. pp. 383–426.

Schlicht, Caspar Philipp ; Müller, Sandra ; Aguilera, Juan P. / Long games and σ-projective sets. In: Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 2021 ; Vol. 172, No. 4.

Lis, Marcin. / On delocalization in the six-vertex model. In: Communications in Mathematical Physics. 2021 ; Vol. 383, No. 2. pp. 1181–1205.

Troscheit, Sascha. / On quasisymmetric embeddings of the Brownian map and continuum trees. In: Probability Theory and Related Fields. 2021 ; Vol. 179, No. 3-4. pp. 1023–1046.

Chernov, Alexey ; Marcati, Carlo ; Mascotto, Lorenzo. / p- and hp-virtual elements for the Stokes problem. In: Advances in Computational Mathematics. 2021 ; Vol. 47, No. 2.

Fraser, Jonathan M. ; Troscheit, Sascha. / Regularity versus smoothness of measures. In: Pacific Journal of Mathematics. 2021 ; Vol. 311, No. 2. pp. 257-275.

Showing entries 1001 - 1050 out of 4900