Publications of the Faculty of Mathematics

Showing entries 1851 - 1900 out of 5080


Harrach, Christoph. / Poisson transforms adapted to BGG-complexes. In: Differential Geometry and Its Applications. 2019 ; Vol. 64. pp. 92-113.

Götz, Stefan. / Bereichsspezifische Strategien im Stochastikunterricht. Auch wenn A falsch ist, kann B wahr sein. Was wir aus Fehlern lernen können.: Ervin Deák zu Ehren. editor / Éva Vásárhelyi ; Johann Sjuts. Vol. 1 Münster : WTM-Verlag, 2019. pp. 149-167 (Mathematiklehren und -lernen in Ungarn, Vol. 1).

Benci, Vieri ; Baglini, Lorenzo Luperi ; Simonov, Kyrylo. / Infinitesimal and Infinite Numbers as an Approach to Quantum Mechanics. In: Quantum. 2019 ; Vol. 3.

Feng, Han ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Xu, Yuan. / Best polynomial approximation on the triangle. In: Journal of Approximation Theory. 2019 ; Vol. 241. pp. 63-78.

Hou, Qing Hu ; Krattenthaler, Christian ; Sun, Zhi Wei. / On q-analogues of some series for Π and Π 2. In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2019 ; Vol. 147, No. 5. pp. 1953-1961.

Hayut, Yair ; Garti, Shimon. / The first omitting cardinal for magidority. In: Mathematical Logic Quarterly. 2019 ; Vol. 65, No. 1. pp. 95-104.

Martin, Calin Iulian. / On constant vorticity water flows in the β-plane approximation. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019 ; Vol. 865. pp. 762 - 774.

Constantin, Adrian ; Shivani Krishnamurthy, Vikas. / Stuart-type vortices on a rotating sphere. In: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019 ; Vol. 865. pp. 1072-1084.

Carqueville, Nils ; Schaumann, Gregor ; Runkel, Ingo. / Orbifolds of n-dimensional defect TQFTs. In: Geometry & Topology. 2019 ; Vol. 23, No. 2. pp. 781-864.

Rainer, Armin. / Arc-smooth functions on closed sets. In: Compositio Mathematica. 2019 ; Vol. 155, No. 4. pp. 645-680.

Auinger, Karl ; Bors, Alexander. / Formations of finite groups with the M. Hall property. In: Journal of Combinatorial Algebra. 2019 ; Vol. 3, No. 2. pp. 113-152.

Barton, Nick ; Hermisson, Joachim ; Nordborg, Magnus. / Population Genetics : Why structure matters. In: eLife. 2019 ; Vol. 8, No. 8.

Höllinger, Ilse ; Pennings, Pleuni S. ; Hermisson, Joachim. / Polygenic adaptation : From sweeps to subtle frequency shifts. In: PLoS Genetics. 2019 ; Vol. 15, No. 3.

Boros, Balázs ; Hofbauer, Josef. / Planar S-systems: Permanence. In: Journal of Differential Equations. 2019 ; Vol. 266, No. 6. pp. 3787-3817.

Constantin, Adrian ; Johnson, Robin. / Atmospheric Ekman flows with variable eddy viscosity. In: Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 2019 ; Vol. 170, No. 3. pp. 395-414.

Koivusalo, Henna ; Rams, Michal. / Dimension of generic self-affine sets with holes. In: Monatshefte für Mathematik. 2019 ; Vol. 188, No. 3. pp. 527-546.

Bruveris, Martins ; Michor, Peter. / Geometry of the Fisher-Rao metric on the space of smooth densities on a compact manifold. In: Mathematische Nachrichten. 2019 ; Vol. 292, No. 3. pp. 511-523.

Abreu, Luis Daniel ; Groechenig, Karlheinz ; Romero, Jose Luis. / Harmonic Analysis in Phase Space and Finite Weyl-Heisenberg Ensembles. In: Journal of Statistical Physics. 2019 ; Vol. 174, No. 5. pp. 1104-1136.

Kupper, Michael ; Luo, Peng ; Tangpi Ndounkeu, Ludovic. / Multidimensional Markovian FBSDEs with super-quadratic growth. In: Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 2019 ; Vol. 129, No. 3. pp. 902-923.

Showing entries 1851 - 1900 out of 5080